Proposed UK Drunken boating legislation



Bicycling to the pub....

Well, I often cycle to the pub already, so your extension of the plan seems excellent to me! I can see further possibilities for enthusiastic motor launch owners (such as my wife!) where an anchorage adjoins a pub with a strong tidal stream between the two...

An excellent scheme...


Could you Americans please learn to spell our Prime Minister's (Dictator-in-Waiting's) name correctly. It's Bliar not Blair.


In the United Stated it is against the law to operate a motor vehicle while drunk, but not against the law to bicycle when drunk. I assume the same applies to the UK. In the same vein, should it not be against the law to operate a motorised watercraft while drunk, but not against the law to operate a non motorised watercraft (i.e. sail or oar powered) while drunk?

It does give one food for thought. Imagine all those drunken boaters dumping the outboard in the drink and using oars when law enforcement is present. Imagine the haul for a smart scuba diver. He could hire someone just after closing time to dress as maritime law enforcement The diver could then skulk around beneath the water collecting the outboards dumped overboard by fuzzy headed dinghy operators making their way to their boats. This could be a service with annual subscription for the pink gin yacht club members. It could start a whole new industry for which Tony Blair and his spin doctors could claim credit.

The possibilities are virtually limitless. Those who like a wee drop now and then would tear out the auxiliary diesels in their yachts, learn to become better sailors and use a long pair of sweep oars.

I think all right minded boaters should embrace this proposed legislation with open arms. I'll supply the scuba tanks and diving gear if you'll supply the law enforcement uniforms.


Could it be correct and he is indeed a B***** LIAR ?nm
