Princess 435 Radar Arch

Keith W

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8 Feb 2023
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Hello Everyone,
We are in the throws of puchasing a Princess 435 and would like to know if the radar arch can be taken down for transportation on a low loader and if so how would this be done. Thank you in advance.


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11 Mar 2016
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I’d think so. Can certainly tell you that the p385 arch can fold down for transport. It’s hinged at the rear side of the base, at each side.

Keith W

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8 Feb 2023
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Wow, Great picture. Thank you for the info. Don't think we will have a problem removing props as the current owner has not had the boat taken out of the water or changed anodes in 4.5 years of ownership so probably no props left lol. Have allowed for this in budget. New props, shafts, a frames, rudders, trim bas etc.

Keith W

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8 Feb 2023
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On inspection of the radar arch frame, the plates that it bolts too have badly rusted through (can't believe that Princess yachts made these from Mils Steel instead of Stainless Steel for the sake of a couple of quid).
Not sure if to risk trying to undo these bolts for fear of the plates disintegrating in parts although 1 or 2 bolts out of the 3 bolts each side might survive. The dilemma now is Put it on a lorry with radar arch up (last resort, One driver recons he has moved a 435 from Scotland like this but said he did not enjoy it one bit), Take arch down and maybe lose a good few months due to having to fabricate new parts due to the plates not being re usable or 3rd option and probably the most probable motor her the 100 miles or so to her new birth after having had her taken out pressure washed and new anodes fitted (might have to ask to borrow a pair of props from our marina if the originals have been eaten away as the boat has not been taken out of the water since 2018. Will defo fabricate new plates out of stainless steel during the winter and do the job that Princess should have done in the first place.

Keith W

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8 Feb 2023
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Taking the boat by sea the 100 miles would be cheapest and most fun. From where to where?
Agree under normal circumstances but we are talking about a 33 year old boat that has been moored up as a live aboard since 2018 and not actually put to sea in that time. So far we know the engines start but need to go back to see if the Prop shafts actually turn and see what electronics work (We have a full set of the latest charts for the journey as some of the sand bars go along way out on route).
Did the same journey 5 years back by sea when my Brother bought a Dhailer 41 but unfortunately the wind was on the nose so had to motor most of the way instead of sail. My brother has 60 years of sailing experience and I have over 10 years sailing and motor boats so obviously we would like to motor back but will see what she looks like when she is lifted, jet washed and new anodes fitted for the first time in 5 years.
Brighton to Essex.


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5 Sep 2004
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If that's the one at Brighton Boat Sales, it looks to be in very good nick, and the engines look clean.
I had a 435 for15 years, and lived on it in Spain for 12. I had the 71Bs. For the last few years I had it. it didn't go very far, but the engines always started as they had been regularly serviced.
Before taking it to Spain, it was kept in Chatham, and occasionally made the trip to Ramsgate. Provided you time the tides right, the sand banks are no problem. North Foreland can be a bit frisky if windy.


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27 Apr 2009
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Might be worth getting the diesel tanks cleaned out or even just inspect them to start with. A friend bought a 435 a while back, mainly inland use but when he took it to sea for a two week trip, he spent 2 days cleaning out the diesel tanks. They were full of sludge. It seems the boat had been used as an apartment before he bought it.
Also, if it’s a 100 mile trip it should be manageable at displacement speeds. It’s worth taking your time to start with until you build confidence in your engines.

Keith W

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8 Feb 2023
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Might be worth getting the diesel tanks cleaned out or even just inspect them to start with. A friend bought a 435 a while back, mainly inland use but when he took it to sea for a two week trip, he spent 2 days cleaning out the diesel tanks. They were full of sludge. It seems the boat had been used as an apartment before he bought it.
Also, if it’s a 100 mile trip it should be manageable at displacement speeds. It’s worth taking your time to start with until you build confidence in your engines.
Yes, we were looking to clean out the diesel tanks when time permits so this will be when she is back in Essex. We got diesel bug on the Dhailer 41 just as we entered the mouth of the river Orwell and ended up sailing along the Orwell at night having to sail into the lock and into a birth at the marina with maybe a metre on the nose to spare and having to navigate between boats with 0.5 metre to spare . In the morning the marina said taht we were actually in the wrong birth and that they had cleared the whole of the next pontoon as they knew it would be tricky trying to sail her in. ( Cost a fortune to have a n inspection hatch cut into her fuel tank and have the. tank cleaned out (Hopefully the 435 has inspection hatches). A Volvo Penta engineer is coming to service the engines prior to us moving her. Should be going back to the boat in a few days so if there is anything that is a must to check hopefully someone can chime in.

Keith W

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8 Feb 2023
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Finally managed to take down the radar arch on the 435. Does anyone know if there is a company that can modify this and fit hinges so that in future the arch can be simply taken down without the faf of removing 6 rusty nuts and rusted through plates from each side. Was a hell of a job lifting that thing off for 2 mid 60 year olds.