Why is the index listing in a random order? I have the Date column pointer in a downwards direction, but the posts are nearly in date order but not quite. What is wrong? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I have answered my own question, the default is to sort by creation date not last post date as it used to be! Have changed it and now back to the old forum style, is this supposed to be progress?
The facility is there as a user option. I don't see the problem...?
As you will know from past threads not everyone here shares enthusiasm for dateslip and if we set dateslip as the default I would be answering their comments instead. Classic lose lose (or win win if you accept the fact that we modded this software prior to release to keep dateslip functionality).
The problem is that most people who are not experienced forum users may not be aware of the facility, or the advantages.
And the problem with dateslip not being default is that unless people are on the board all the time then a discussion that "falls off" the front page is lost, and even if someone does go back three pages, spot a post they can add something useful to and do so, what realistically are the chances of someone else thinking "I'll just go back three or four (or five or six or more) pages on the offchance somethings been added?
It also means that interesting discussions die out as the topic slides further and further down no matter how interesting or useful for the same reason.
I use a lot of forums, indeed am a moderator on one, and this is the only one on which dateslip is not the norm. Quite simply it works, and it works well. Topical topics are kept in view, topics that are not of much interest or a question that is quickly and simply answered soon slip away.
Also of course, if someone (for example) asks a question about somethnig they are planning for a weeks time (say a job or a long trip) then they can come back and add a post about how it went which brings the whole thread back to the top for people to see. Absolutely no point adding a post to a week old thread on this forum, no one would see it.
I have a keen passion for boating and a lot of useful information I could impart, however due simply to dateslip I don't bother that often because I'm not in here all the time, and if a post is two or three pages back I know damn well no one's going to see it.
To be honest, dateslip is so universally accepted on all Internet forums and works so well that coming on this board and seeing how it works is a little like stepping back in time.
You've finally got the "Instant UBB" code and smileys (we've been running this kind of thing for 2 years) but haven't addressed the one thing that would make the board run so so much better. /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
This is a great forum, great people, and of course a great subject. But it just cannot run as effeciently and as usefully without dateslip being the norm.
The one and only advantage to not having dateslip is that contentious or "politically awkward threads are soon lost and forgotten about by members....
You've finally got the "Instant UBB" code and smileys (we've been running this kind of thing for 2 years) but haven't addressed the one thing that would make the board run so so much better.
[/ QUOTE ]
Err...we've had mark-up and smileys for three years, although admittedly this is the first time that a control panel has been placed right within the post page (a facility ironically not to everyone's liking but then as a moderator you'll know better than most the theory about rocks and hard places).
I'm not going to get too dogmatic about this but every time a hot topic occurs it gathers huge momentum without assistance. And there is a counter argument that the cud can get over-chewed over time.
Currently in the middle of rewriting the FAQs and will ensure there is adequate instruction in how to make 'date-slip' more easily understood as a user-selectable feature.
Err...we've had mark-up and smileys for three years
[/ QUOTE ]
EXACTLY!!! And how many people have you seen using them? Hardly anyone because the vast majority of people just log in, read, and reply if relevent.
Sticking an item about dateslip in the FAQ's is almost worthless as few people read them and even fewer will understand the benefits without trying it (which they won't as they won't understand the benefits).
Sorry, but you're still using big paddle wheels on the sides of your forum whilst the rest of us have Duoprops! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif