Paper backed up by Plotter.
Cos I started with paper, like lots on here.
Plotters and the like don,t do with Me not like lots on here.Can,t seem to Visualise with a screen, somehow I like looking at the paper.
Praps it's cos I,ve only got a little one! /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
I like the overall picture you can only really get from a paper chart.
[/ QUOTE ]Yes agree. I like working with paper charts for fun, doing conventional navigation helps kill the time on long passages, as well as being fun, especially when solo. Fun to compare the pencils accuracy with the plotter. I use the plotter for primary nav and carry the paper as backup and fun, and also I prefer exploring trickey areas using a large scale paper chart, hence favour AC over Imray for exploring inshore areas, nooks and crannies.
Having said that I always use Garmin Mapsource on a laptop to plan routes and passages, some times also using paper to visually get a clearer picture, but always inputting WPTs to laptop using mouse.
I have a modern screen-based chart plotted that was on the boat when I bought it. But I am absolutely addicted to my Yeoman, linked to the GPS. Paper charts and electronics all in one! Best of all worlds IMHO
Isn't it mandatory to carry up to date paper charts?
More importantly a couple of years ago there was a glitch on a test transmission of the European GPS system. Every Simrad system that was switched on crashed! An object lesson on having a back up.I plan with PCPlanner and print out the route. On the trip I use paper charts to log progress and if anything goes wrong it's easy to pickup next waypoint etc.