Poole Lifting Bridge


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23 Sep 2001
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Does anyone out there know what are the rules or normal operating procedures for boat traffic flow are when Poole Bridge is lifted ?
Returning to my berth on Good Friday after a few days away, Poole Harbour was the usual sunny bank holiday mayhem.
I waited patiently for the 1230 lift in front of the Quay and expected the boats to be allowed out of Holes Bay first into the relatively wide open spaces of Poole Harbour proper as is the usual practice and it certainly makes sense.
There were only about 5 boats waiting to get into Holes Bay and was surprised when we were shown the green light first.
I could hardly believe that at 1230 on a Bank Holiday there was no one coming out.
Oops !
On the other side of the Bridge there were literally dozens and dozens of craft of all shapes and sizes backed up for 1/2 a mile along the relatively narrow and shallow channel all trying to avoid hitting each other, moored boats or going aground.
Letting the five boats in to battle their way in the opposite direction added to the chaos.
The brige is operated by the local authority.Was this the bridge operators revenge on boatowners who were enjoying a sunny day off while he/she was at work.
Their idea of mischievious fun at someone elses expense?
Or is there some rule of operation that I am not aware of ?

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12 Aug 2001
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I believe the norm is to allow those with the tide to go first.


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PS 1230 bridge on Friday it would be running off to second high so you would have had the tide against you. There goes my theory. <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by johna on 19/04/2003 19:22 (server time).</FONT></P>


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23 Sep 2001
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Letting those being swept toward the Bridge by the tide go first would be sensible.
But like you I do not think thats what actually happens.

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16 May 2001
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Coming out on Sunday at the 10:30 lift, we were the first through into the tide. Probably slightly fewer boats coming out than going in.

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23 Sep 2001
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Re: 2x Poole Lifting Bridge

Yup !
They certainly are.
Double the lift double the fun .
Due to finish 2005 I think.
Never understood why another lift bridge required.
Despite the fact that all ferry traffic is unecessarily directed over the bridge the only traffic problems are when the bridge lifts.
These are going to be magnified by a double bank of lifting bridges. Held open longer while boats clear both bridges 200 metres apart.
I suspect some Local authority 'deal' with developers gaining access to build more luxury priced waterfront flats for London weekenders

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21 Feb 2002
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Now you know why, that as a Poole Council Tax payer, I don't keep my boat in Poole. What is going to happen when the "second crossing" is built just beggars belief. One doesn't see any Harbour Board input to the the second bridge debate publicised in the press so presumably that organisation is in the pockets of the council and developers too. I guess it is too much to expect these bodies to provide public services, they just want to make money to keep the cosy "public servants" pockets heavy with cash. The only advice that can be offered is to get out of Holes Bay permanently then you won't have to worry about the "rules" of bridge operation. That's what I did years ago.

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30 May 2001
Poole, Dorset. UK
They let boats going with the current go first, as it's easier for those against the current to hold station and wait. The problems will start when they build the second lifting bridge, and everyone is waiting between the two, as they say the two bridges will never be up at the same time, so the cars can keep moving.

<hr width=100% size=1>Brian


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23 Sep 2001
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The PHC publish their minutes on their web site.
Whenever the second bridge comes up, some ( I think two ) of the commissioners
have to declare a financial interest and leave the meeting.
Say no more....................

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30 May 2001
Poole, Dorset. UK
Poole Lifting Bridge - The Fiasco

I think it's Poole Council who are pushing for a second lifting bridge, their sole purpose in life appears to be to cause as many traffic jams as posible and try and force people to use their white elephant (sorry meant "Park and Ride") and public transport.
I'm sure if they would go for a simple no frills bridge across Holes Bay, with enough clearance for the boats it would be cheaper. Trouble is, they keep choosing futuristic designs which means they can't afford them.
All we want is a simple, fixed bridge, with enough clearance, not some piece of expensive art.

<hr width=100% size=1>Brian


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23 Sep 2001
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Re: Poole Lifting Bridge - The Fiasco

I am not convinced that another bridge is needed at all.
If you are coming from out of town for the ferry, then being directed in via Upton rather than the town centre is no hardship and requires no bridge.
Of course if you build a bridge then it opens up a big development opportunity on the Hamworthy side.
Who ever owns the derilict land on the Hamworthy side will make an awful lot of money. Mmmmmmmm......................I wonder sometimes about planning decisions and big developers.

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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Poole Lifting Bridge - The Fiasco

don't forget that the nice dual carrigeway road has already been built on the other side from the ferry terminal so links are needed! However, one has to question the sense of further bridges. The Chatham tunnel works brillantly and it must be far easier to build a tunnel than a bridge high enough for yachts to pass under!
Personall I would close Pole Bridge for 6 months to vehicles one winter and re engineer to raise it 10 feet thus allowing a substantial proportion of craft to pass under it when down. This would reduce the time taken for the others to pass through and the associated traffic issues - a ten minute lift window causes little problem but when it stretches to 20+ chaos ensues!
Whats the betting that once the new bridge is operational they remove the old one anyway - and achieve the same end (assuming the new one has a higher clearance?)

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