Possibly. If you're coming from the Sainsburys traffic lights, you head towards Dinton Pastures. Cross the railway and as you come over the motorway bridge you'll see Dinton Pastures on your left. You need to take the road thats on your right. You then need to turn right again almost immediately (as you'll see that the road left goes nowhere). The pub is on your left after 50 yards or so. Take the road on the left just after the pub to get into the carpark.
Its roughly <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=478655&y=171665&z=1&sv=478655,171665&st=4&ar=Y&mapp=newmap.srf&searchp=newsearch.srf&dn=649>here</A>.
PM me if you want my mobile number - and between those of us at the pub, we'll do our best to guide you in