I don't think I made myself clear.
I meant that an 8minute ride up river would be more of a slog than a 2 minute ride to the other side. Although thinking about it even that is not true. After all, if you are going to get wet, it will happen in about 8 seconds! Also I will hopefully be using an outboard and not rowing, so 8 minutes or 18 minutes is really neither here nor there.
It's not a question of whether or not to moor at Pin Mill. I'm coming! Maybe see you there sometime
That sounds a lot more pragmatic...
So, practical advice:-
1) with even a moderate breeze it can get choppy even on nice days; enough will come aboard to soak your stuff/your trousers even when you think it's nice enough not to bother with oilies. If you cross the channel it's usually worse, but be prepared.
2) On the north side of the channel you will be near the mud banks and the birds will carp on your boat.
Oh, and ignore Sailorman - it's his favourite joke and at least the 10,000th time he's used it...