Person or persons unknown

28 Mar 2004
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Some of you may recall our adventure with the Bavaria 47 earlier this summer. After the boat came up on a lorry from the Hamble we discovered that the VHF antenna had been removed from the masthead and the radio would no longer function. When I took it up with the repair yard they suggested that it had happened when the mast was removed prior to the trip and put me in touch with the rigging company.

The answer I received was that someone must have stolen it!!! When I asked my insurer for advice I understood that it was not germaine to the claim against the other yacht's insurance but wondered what redress was open to me. The reply was that the repairers said that the antenna was taken by 'a person or persons unknown'. I have taken legal advice on this matter but I am interested in knowing what others on the forum think.

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28 Mar 2004
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Since the antenna was actually cut, leaving the wire hanging at the masthead, the notion that someone had stolen it seemed fanciful to me, but no one seems prepared to accept the responsibility for making the damage good.

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10 Sep 2004
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As the yard were managing the repairs it is their fault. But for £30.00 is it worth months of fighting and misery (to you). A good yard would have said no problem we will get it sorted for you. Your yard has instantly gone onto the back foot, you are going to have to fight.

When TC was laid up for a good few years in a yard in North Wales they mast had been 'shoved' out of the way and a cross tree bracket had been broken. I actually found a stainless fabricator who welded it for £5.00 in the end, but adding the cost of rivets and big riveter (rented at that time) it came in near £30.00.

I got fed up arguing with the yard owner and ended up taking it on the chin, it was not worth getting so uptight about, I agree it is bloody annoying, but life is too short to fight some fights.

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