Permanent Changes to Weather?


Well-known member
17 Jan 2007
Plymouth, D-heaven
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By the general public, yes. Not by those studying weather and climate scientifically.
This was from a meteorological scientist. It's less understood than the weather.

The major changes in climate that we are seeing are not cyclical. When were CO2 levels last up to current values?
My comment was referring to cyclical effects on the weather, not the climate. Climate and weather are very different things - like you say, the general public often misunderstand the difference.

That sounds very like a geographers view. Meteorology has moved beyond recognition compared to the period when I guess you were at university.
I like your assumptions, based on zero information. I was at University as a mature student fairly recently studying Ocean Science, and meteorology was a major part of the degree. I graduated with a first class honours degree so I must have learned something.

I haven't posted for long time on this forum and i now remember why. It's still the most rude, aggressive and arrogant forum I've ever joined. But I got an answer to the question I posted on a different thread by someone that was helpful and now I'm off!
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Well-known member
27 Oct 2002
UK when not sailing
OK. Apologies for guessing wrongly about your background.

The point that I was making is that yes, there is natural variability but also long term non-cyclical change. It is difficult to separate these but it can be and is being done. In answering the OP, there is little doubt that we are seeing long term, non-cyclical change as a result of increases in GHGs, primarily but not entirely, CO2.