PC Wayplanner


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30 Jun 2003
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Can anyone provide any assistance with interfacing a GPS and PC Wayplanner? I have followed the instructions within the programme but it still does not recognise my GPS. Examination of the programme files showed that the NMEA183 programme referred to Decca sentences, not GPS sentences. I have changed this, but it still does not work. The problem is within the programme since I also have Navmaster and this does interact with the same GPS on the same computer. Any suggestions/experiences would be very welcome.

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Well-known member
5 Jun 2001
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Although I cant help , I know a group that can

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gps-navigator/>http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gps-navigator/</A>

fro a bounty of gps related items

ps welcome to the forum

<hr width=100% size=1>David
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.euroboating.net>http://www.euroboating.net</A>


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31 Oct 2002
Hants, UK
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The first thing to check is that the connection to the PC is working and that the GPS is pushing out the right data. You can do this with Hyperterminal. It's part of windows and if you're not familiar with it drop me a PM and I'll detail how to set it up.

In short though, you'll find it through:


Once you set up a new connection direct to the Com port you're physically connected to, you need to configure the hardware to 4800 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. You may have to experiemnt with the Flow Control but "None"should be fine. You may have to stop running any other software that's trying to access the same port.

You should then see a window with the text that's being transmitted by the GPS. If this is fine according to the manuals then you need to check the Wayplanner manual.

You can use this with any GPS to check that it's giving out the correct data. For instance it's useful if you're having problems connecting a GPS with a GMDSS radio or an auto-pilot.

Do remember though that some GPS units stop sending data if they are not locked to satellites. i.e. you using a handheld indoors.

Good luck.

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