Partly Round Scotland, Chapter One


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16 May 2001
Home: Peterborough, Mooring, Heybridge Basin
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Chapter the First, “We Didn’t Mean to Go to Grimsby”

Three old men, each in his own Vertue, left the Blackwater on the first of May headed north with the aim of circumnavigating something or other: we didn’t make it.
Going north against north east winds is not the sort of sailing any of us is fond of, so , on the third day of our trip, Lowestoft towards Whitby, when the wind was forcast to become NE 7 or 8 we diverted to Grimsby on the Humber. “Diverted” translates as “Ran like Hares”,,,,,,,,,.
Now an unplanned visit to Grimsby would be no problem on a rising tide. Indeed the 4 knot flood would be a great help. A 5 knot ebb in boats with a hull speed of 6 knots is less of a help, especialy with a young gale kicking up a nasty sea. We eventually tucked in behind Spurn Point to wait for the tide to turn. When it did we made very short work of the 5 miles or so to the old Grimsby Fish Dock where we hid for three days whimpering quietly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

In our next episode “Grimsby to Bridlington” our heroes discover the best way of attracting the attention of the Coastguard, two lifeboats and a Harbourmaster.


<hr width=100% size=1>Vertue 203, Patience


New member
27 Nov 2002
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This has all the makings of an epic trip.

Most people run like hares AWAY from Grimsby

Can't wait for episode 2

Have you considered the film rights?

<hr width=100% size=1>

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