Many thanks, for your kind reply. Wasn´t sure if the Sailing fraternity would approve of a dinghy moonlighting as a fisherman´s friend! Besides - the wife would not approve!!!
My boss has a Leader, I think he has a 2hp o/b which stows somewhere when he goes fishing or is pottering around.
Nice looking dinghy, I saw it when he sailed from Lee-on-Solent to the Folly for our works bash last year.
Yes but nip in the chandlers and buy a couple of plastic transom protectors to screw on and prevent damage from the clamp screws, cost about £4. You might need to cut the outside one to fit round the rudder pintles.
<hr width=100% size=1><font size=1>Sermons from my pulpit are with tongue firmly in cheek and come with no warranty!</font size=1>
Had a 4hp outboard on a Wayfarer dinghy for years to get us home when the wind dropped. Outboard stored on cockpit floor when not in use. The motor was offset to one side on the transom and we steered with the normal rudder.