Fake news!!
An orca would have no chance against a skeg-hung rudder!
Happened exactly the same to this Nauticat 44 as well. Picked to the boneObservations of how Orcas kill by Inuit show that one method is to disable the pray by biting the tail fins or other fins.
Prey items and predation behavior of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Nunavut, Canada based on Inuit hunter interviews
Incredible picture in the OP! The tangs must have been ripped off as well; powerful animals or tangs were shot before the attack.
The tangs must have been ripped off as well; powerful animals or tangs were shot before the attack.
Why the rudders always? Do they try the keels ever?Told you skegs were so yesterday. What they really needed was a dual spade setup where you always have a backup… oh wait.
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It seems that the new advice is to engage reverse if being attacked.