Olaxia of Life


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31 Oct 2001
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I've read a lot about this on these forums. Oxalic acid, this wonder cure of all stains on grp. Now i know you can buy it in the chemists shops,although i just rekon you bottle out for asking for a pack of three, you mix it with wallpaper paste, and paint it on, so my questions are(sorry if im going of old ground):-

1 How much of the stuff do you use in the paste

2 How long do you leave it on

3 what precautions are required for handling/disposing of ect

I've got a few stains to get rid of (no comments please) on the old girl, and shes getting on in years so does the age of the gelcoat make any difference, the boats a Tremlett of about 88 vintage, any suggestions welcome, and taken with a pinch of salt cos i know what you lot are like.

regards BarryH :cool:


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31 Oct 2001
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Dettox and a sdrubbing brush, they prescribed that at the clinic, only dont tell the wife!, Seriously tho i'll give it a go, but the stains are more "ingrained" than surface especially along the water line on the starboard side.


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15 Jun 2001
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I've certainly used the proprietry stuff, at vast cost, about £10 for small tub. It works a treat. Someone on buttlescut reckons it's basically Oxalic acid and a binder, eg wallpaper paste. I think the idea is to use the acid solution as solvent for paste, and mix to suitable consistancy. You need to keep it off your skin, if there is a risk of getting on hands, use latex gloves (bend over dear!).

I'll try it this year when the expensive stuff runs out. My boat is dry berthed but I still quite heavy staining from the relatively short periods it spends afloat, can be up to 4 or 5 days, at a time.

BTW, I think this is how it works, no responsibilty for loss of limbs etc.

Forgot to mention. The proprietry stuff says,

'Spread a thin coating on stain with a paintbrush, leave for a few minutes to allow the stain to be absorbed into the solution, then simply hose or wash off. To ensure best results test a small area and proceed when satisfied. Ideal for removing rust stains around engine ports.'

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Geoffs on Fri Jan 11 12:31:12 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>


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16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
The proprietory stuff is called Y10 and is a pale blue gel that goes on well and spreads far with a sponge, use sparingly. Do not try and make your own, it is VERY poisonous and I recommend that you wear good impermiable gloves. Wash it ALL off vigorously afterwards (20 mins max).

That said, it does a great job and left my hull brilliant white (and yes, it was white before). It is available from most good boat chandlers.

Now here's the trick...there is an excellent teflon based polish whose name escapes me right now but it is in a white and brown plastic bottle. Use two applications of this after treatment and the brown stains stay away for the season.

Happy Cruisin'


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20 Jun 2001
Surrey, UK
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A chap in Greece told me he got his oxalic acid from the marble polishers because they use it to clean the marble and at a fraction of the fancy prices we pay.


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21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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WARNING: Oxalic acid is very toxic.
1. Usually sold in crystalline form. Dissolve in warm water and keep adding and stirring till no more will dissolve. ie a saturated solution. Add wallpaper paste and stir till you have a paste thick enough to adhere to the surface you want to clean.
2.Apply with brush and leave till stains disappear. Wash off with water. Repeat process if necessary.
3. It is very toxic if swallowed, and will irritate your skin and eyes, so take appropriate precautions. If ingested you will experience a burning pain in your throat, followed by all kinds of 'orrible symptoms if you don't do something!. Drink milk or milk of magnesia. Seek help quickly!

Well, you did ask!

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