Ok to be threatening and abusive

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Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
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That might be the case with the second quotation as I don't know that thread.

I remember thinking that the first "smartarse" comment seemed to completely out of the blue. Very odd.

I think people forget that one cannot see the bigicture when posting on a forum.
In the club bar having a few drinks with friends calling your mate a smartarse whilst laughing with a group may be quite funny & be taken as such. However a forum is a bit " clinical" and what might be meant as a joke comes across as aninsult
Plus some take offence to having the p..s taken even though they may dish it out themselves. They are, in my view fair game. But the op is right, there must be limits


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12 Dec 2008
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Apparently it is ok now on here to make aggresive and threatening comments like these below.

Whilst I understand (and indeed share) your concern, I'm not sure why you wait 4 days after the last of those comments (and 3 days after you express your dissatisfaction) and then start a new thread on the subject. The spat was unpleasant, but the original protagonists seem to have moved on. Your response on the 15th was well made, but can we just leave it up to the mods and let sleeping dogs lie, please?


Well-known member
21 Mar 2009
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Whilst I understand (and indeed share) your concern, I'm not sure why you wait 4 days after the last of those comments (and 3 days after you express your dissatisfaction) and then start a new thread on the subject. The spat was unpleasant, but the original protagonists seem to have moved on. Your response on the 15th was well made, but can we just leave it up to the mods and let sleeping dogs lie, please?

It has been reported but no action at all from the mods to what is a very threatening post from someone known to be rather fiery.

The mods are quick to slap down those that criticise them and impose long bans when they personally feel aggrieved, but when it comes to the very clear forum rules on things like this they remain strangely silent, although they have managed to tell me off already for saying "why are you not doing anything?" and deleted a post asking them why they were afraid to take action.

Hence this post.

I am sure you would feel different if it had been you threatened.


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12 Dec 2008
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I am sure you would feel different if it had been you threatened.

Ah! Now I understand. You believe that the second post was a threat.

In that respect, I'm with "TheCharteringClasses" (at least I think I am, if I have understood the slightly cryptic post correctly). If you read the words carefully, there was no actual threat of violence and the choice of whether it was a crowded spot or a dark alley was entirely up to you. On that basis, there really isn't any grounds for a ban. A slap on the wrists, maybe, but not a ban.

Meanwhile, you can probably afford yourself a wry smile, since you have probably put paid to any chance of him getting crew for his little trip (assuming, of course, that his own comments hadn't already ensured that).
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Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
As rightly surmised the forum Admin team and mods were active in the background asking for the OP of the alleged 'threat' to go back and edit it.

Rather than wait patiently Comrade Red then starts a forum campaign with multiple posts criticising the Admin/Mods for not jumping when he shouts jump and then complains even more when he is reminded of the forum rules.

I think that's quite enough explanation.

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