Offer Accepted


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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I put in a bid for a catamaran recently - there was apparently another South African based buyer interested but I think I must have seen him off. Will probably be needing a team to help me sail it home - all expenses paid of course....


Active member
7 Sep 2001
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YOU!! are going to pay expenses??????
I'm in, but no cauli!! Makes me fart and you wouldnt want that, believe me!


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Ok - I think I've the beginnings of a fine body of men to participate in this venture.
We will be flying Business Class from Blackpool International Airport via Ryanair. Technically they don't go down to Africa but I've discovered that they can fly to Spain and back without getting more petrol so I was thinking we could bribe the pilot and there should be enough fuel to get us most of the way there. I suppose we could always catch a bus for the rest of the way.

I've researched and there's not much in the the way of a Cauli crop out there so would you be ok with bananas and mango chutney and stuff?

I'm not going to be a pain about safety, just bring a cozzie - if one of us falls in I doubt whether the rest of us would be competent to get the boat stopped and turned around so I'll post out a kind of suicide pact agreement.

There is one condition that I'm going to have to stick to as a matter of principle - I have to insist that if anyone has commitments in terms of having promised to have a bit of sail with anither forumite - then they have to honour that - old fashioned word honour, but one I live by - unlike other rather unscrupulous people around here who shall remain nameless TCM


Active member
7 Sep 2001
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Yep, bananas and mango chutney OK, whats this "stuff"?? Been caught like that before!! Biltong OK, but whichity grubs are out! I dont mind signing up for the voyage! Honourable sailor that I am! Could I bring two cozzies? (weight rescrictions allowing) wearing one for six weeks, is gonna get a wee bit ripe!