Notices to Mariners - Week 43


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Preliminary/Temporary
1. New Editions of ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts to be published on 7th November, 2024:
SCC 5607.8 Rivers Ore and Alde. 1:25,000: SCC 5607.13 Continuation of River Crouch. 1:25,000; B Burnham-on-Crouch. 1:10,000; C Entrance to Walton Backwaters. 1:25,000; D Continuation to Battlesbridge. 1:25,000: SCC 5607.14 A Walton Backwaters. 1:12,500; B Continuation of Landermere Creek. 1:12,500 - Includes full updates for New Edition and Notices to Mariners affecting source charts.
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoy. - A temporary notice following Medway’s Local notice no 10 of 2024. Ship’s mooring No 11 has been removed and an unlit orange marker in place until further notice. Mooring No 11 effectively marked the eastern entrance of the Stangate Creek. Note that Medway local notice 54 of 2024 reported that Nos 1 and 2 had been removed and the chains lowered permanently to the seabed as ‘FOUL’.
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - Wind farm. Buoyage. Submarine cables. Works. Restricted area. - This preliminary notice announces the new buoyage marking out the construction area for the East Anglia Three Offshore Wind Farm which will commence later this year. The area is outside of the area which I monitor but I have provided images showing ‘context’ and the buoy ‘map’. While under construction 500m safety zones (aka exclusion zones) will be placed around turbines sites. The power lines are intended to come ashore about 1.4nm north of the Deben at Bawdsey. Subsequent notices will report when the buoys have been placed. In addition this week there is a second Notice (below) which places two yellow special lit buoys within the defined area. This is a permanent notice so those two buoys have now been placed.
4. ENGLAND - East Coast - Anchorage area. Legend. - An amended ship’s anchorage in the River Thames in Erith Reach off Jenningtree Point.
5. ENGLAND - South Coast - Reclamation area. Works. - This preliminary notice is confirming local Dover notices about the land reclamation of the Wick Channel, the Granville Docks and Tidal Basin. The Dover local notice image best illustrates the area.
6. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - This preliminary Notice is one of a series of notices providing warning of reductions of depth in the vicinity of Lowestoft and its Approaches. This Notice has 4 new reductions of depth in the south end of Barley Picle (the channel between the Scroby and South Cross Sands. The reduced depths would not hinder leisure craft but nevertheless are dramatic; i.e. from generally over 30m down to 5 metres! In addition to the previous preliminary notice 4628(P), there have been two earlier Notices in that area (Nos 1974 and 2639) so the image includes those reductions (but in blue).

1. Thames Estuary - Neuconnect Cable Lay Works - Neuconnect Cable Lay Works -
on or about 11th October 2024, the laying of the Neuconnect cable is expected to commence. The intended route of the Neuconnect cable is indicated on the chartlet. (see at: Notices to Mariners) The cable will be laid by vessel CABLE ENTERPRISE which is expected to progress along the route at a speed not exceeding 0.06kts. Support vessels, including tugs & workboats, may be operating in the area around CABLE ENTERPRISE while she is working. While engaged in this cable laying operation, CABLE ENTERPRISE will be Restricted in her Ability to Manoeuvre, as she will be tethered to the cable as it is laid. Accordingly, all vessels are required to keep at least 250m clear of CABLE ENTERPRISE at all
times. Whenever a vessel, for reasons of safe navigation, is unable to keep at least 250m clear of CABLE ENTERPRISE, that vessel may, subject to permission from London VTS, pass CABLE ENTEPRISE at a closer range, but never less than 100m. Vessels intending to navigate in the vicinity of CABLE ENTERPRISE may be subject to traffic management carried out by London VTS in the interests of safety. Masters / Pilots are advised to contact London VTS in advance of approaching CABLE ENTERPRISE to allow for early coordination and management of traffic
movements. All vessels passing CABLE ENTERPRISE or navigating in the vicinity of her works are reminded to be mindful of their wash effects. Whenever cable laying operations are in progress in the Swatchway and vicinity, it may be necessary to temporarily close the Swatchway to navigation of uninvolved vessels, until CABLE ENTERPRISE has progressed sufficiently clear. Any such temporary closures will be broadcast by London VTS. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed during these operations will be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee’, displayed.
2. Sea Reach to Thames Estuary - LGW & Thames Estuary Dredging Operations - This has been notified before but is now announcing it will continue until approx. 20th October. Long notice with chartlets at the above quoted web page. Dredging Operations – LGP Berths 1-3, Berth 4 approaches, Sea reach 3, Knock John & the Sunk
3. Sunken Buxey Lighted Buoy – River Crouch is now back on station. Lands End Race Mark – River Crouch - the Lands End Race Mark in approximate position: 51°38.213 N, 000°46.102E has been permanently removed.
4. Approaches to Sheerness - SS Richard Montgomery Wreck – Buoy Replacement Work - work to replace the 12 danger marker boys around the wreck of the SS Richard Montgomery is due to take place, the SS Richard Montgomery is a designated dangerous wreck under section 2 of the Protection of Wrecks Act 1973 and there is a no-entry exclusion zone around the wreck, the co-ordinates of which are published in Statutory Instrument 1973 No 1690. Section 3 of the Act makes entry into the prohibited area an offence without the written permission of the Secretary of State. The Replacement work is due to commence on Saturday 12th October 2024 (outside of the exclusion zone) with completion expected by 14th September 2024. The vessel “ShakeDog” will be conducting the works but will not enter the exclusion zone.
Whilst Working, “ShakeDog” will be restricted in it’s ability to manoeuvre and will maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch.74 at all times, all vessels are requested to pass with caution and reduce speed and wash appropriately.
5. Sizewell C - Survey Operations - are planned to take place on or around Friday 11th October 2024. Nearshore and Offshore Survey Operations - The survey operations will be carried out from a grey and white, twin hulled 7m catamaran called ‘Taran’ and will involve the use of a multibeam echo sounder (no equipment will be towed). Survey operations are due to commence from 11th October for approximately 7 days during daylight hours only. Other vessels should maintain an appropriate and safe distance when passing the survey vessels whilst they are undertaking survey operations and should pass at the lowest speed to avoid vessel wash effects. The survey vessel will maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF Channel 16. The chart and detailed lat/long can be seen in the full notice in the above quted web page in the Local list.

That's it.