Notices to Mariners - week 38 - the Locals Part 3!


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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Continuing (and that's cutting them short!)

10. River Medway – Saltpan Reach - BP Isle of Grain Jetty No.1 – Dredging Operations - will be taking place at BP Isle of Grain Jetty No.1 between 10th and 30th September 2024. Dredging will be focussed on the berth box area of IOG.1 and will be conducted by the water injection dredger “Aquadelta” who will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 74 at all times. “Aquadelta” will be restricted in her ability to manoeuvre whilst dredging and will display the relevant signals by day and night. All vessels passing BP IOG. No1 Jetty should navigate with caution, maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch.74 at all times and reduce speed and wash accordingly.
11. River Medway – Saltpan Reach - Isle of Grain No.6 Jetty – Dredging Operations - are due to commence at Isle of Grain Jetty No.6. Dredging is now due to begin on or around the 7th September 2024, subject to vessel arrivals, and will be carried out over a series of 15 tides. Dredging will be focussed on the berth box area of IOG.6 and will be conducted by the water injection dredgers “Iguazu” and “Aquadelta” who will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 74 at all times. “Iguazu” will commence dredging on or around 7th September 2024 with “Aquadelta” taking over on or around 10th September. “Iguazu” and “Aquadelta” will be restricted in their ability to manoeuvre whilst dredging and will display the relevant signals by day and night.
12. Ipswich Restricted Lock operations - ongoing diving and engineering works on the lock gates have been temporarily paused. These operations will resume later this month for an additional two-day period. In the interim period the lock will be operational on odd hours between 0700 and 2100.
Lock In- 0700 Lock Out- 0715
Lock In- 0900 Lock Out- 0915
Lock In- 1100 Lock Out- 1115
Lock In- 1300 Lock Out- 1315
Lock In- 1500 Lock Out- 1515
Lock In- 1700 Lock Out- 1715
Lock In- 1900 Lock Out- 1915
Lock In- 2100 Lock Out- 2115
Mariners needing more information can contact Ipswich ONS via VHF CH68.
13. Port of Wisbech Authority - the following buoy within the Nene Port area of jurisdiction has been moved to Buoy No 9 Green Cone FL G.3s N52,50.983 E000,12.925 - see my charltet in the Local List.
14. Colne Estuary, Essex - Inspection of the Colne Barrier Mitre Gate - Prohibition to Navigation - Bam Nuttall and Huntons Engineering who are working on behalf of the Environment Agency are scheduled to inspect our mitre floodgate of our storm surge barrier this year and to do so, we need to work in the watercourse using floating platforms. The platforms would impact the navigational channel of the Colne Barrier; however, vessels will still be able to transit through the structure. The risk of this can be managed by adding sufficient lighting and beacons to the temporary working equipment to aid river users in avoiding the structure while navigating through the flood barrier.
15. Sizewell Harbour - Geotechnical Investigations and Seabed Sampling - drilling operations will be carried out within SZC Harbour Authority at 11 separate locations offshore and eight separate locations nearshore, starting from 29th August 2024 for approximately 16 weeks. Long notice, two jack-up vessels. Keep off-shore or read the notice in the local list!
16. Dover Harbour - Wick Channel and Associated Basins - Diving Operations – Closed Area (Update 4). Diving Operations will take place in the area as indicated below and will continue until Friday 13th September 2024. The area is closed to all traffic apart from contracted vessels involved in project 3B. Those vessels operating in the area are to keep a good look out and manoeuvre with caution.
17. Burnham Town Pontoon - installation of the new Maldon District Council owned and operated “Burnham Town Pontoon” at Burnham waterfront is now completed. The location and dimensions of the pontoon are similar to those of the previous jetty that was damaged beyond repair during adverse weather conditions in 2022. Please note that mooring to the pontoon is STRICTLY PROHIBITED at all times, including on the hammerhead which is to be kept clear as its use is reserved solely for commercially operated vessels via private licence arrangements with Maldon District Council.
18. Blakeney Harbour - South Cardinal Mark N52°58.071’ E 0°57.476’ - Southern tip of Blakeney Point, Light has stopped working. It has been inspected and found to be severely damaged and has several lines of red paint suggesting a collision. A new light unit is on order.
Take care when entering the harbour in poor light conditions and ensure vessels stay within the marked channel to maintain distance from the southern tip of Blakeney point marked by the south cardinal mark. A notice will be sent when the light is operational again. Port Lateral no. 10 N 52° 58.732’ E 000° 57.552’ North west end of Blakeney Point QFL.R. No.10 has been repositioned and replaced with a smaller can shaped marker, currently unnumbered and with the same light sequence. New position is N 52° 58.705’ E 000° 57.447'. A notice will be sent when the numbers are refreshed.
19. Ramsgate Approach Channel - the Ramsgate Approach Channel No.3 buoy, (51⁰19.56 N 001⁰26.58 E) is now unlit.

That's it.