Notices to Mariners - Week 05


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO and Trinity House Permanent/Temporary/Preliminary
1. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. -
One reduction of depth just south of the Sea Reach No 1 yellow special lit buoy. Ample water for leisure craft.
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - This is a Preliminary Notice which is part of a series of seven other Preliminary Notices published in the second part of 2024. The series has published 33 reductions of depths from Winterton Ness and Kessingland. This Notice is adding four reductions of depth from Hemsby Hole to just north of Great Yarmouth. As such the new reductions should not hinder leisure craft. The notices in 2024 are: 4389(P), 4628(P), 4900(P), 5001(P), 5018(P), 5069(P) and 5165(P). You can access the images for those in the 2024 list.
3. FRANCE - North Coast - Depths. - Five reductions of depth off Boulogne on the Bassure de Baas between the south cardinal ‘App. Boulogne’ and the starboard hand ‘Ophelie’. Unlikely to be hinder by leisure craft.
1. Limehouse Reach - Hilton Pier & Canary Wharf Works -
contractors will be conducting piling, demolition and construction works at Canary Wharf and Hilton Pier, commencing on Monday 20th January 2025. These works are expected to take approximately 3 months.
During this time exclusion zones will be in place at Canary Wharf and Hilton Pier, as shown on the chartlet. All vessels, power driven and human powered shall keep well clear of the exclusion zones. Only approved vessels may enter the exclusion areas. These works will involve the Jack Up Barge HAVEN SEARISER 4, flat top barge HAVEN SEABREEZE, as well as associated tugs and safety boats. These vessels will be located within the exclusion area depicted, and may at points be moving between the two sites. Vessels should navigate with caution in the vicinity of the works. During the works, requests for vessels to proceed with caution or pass at slow speed may be made by London VTS on VHF ch.14, in accordance with the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, section 4. International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee (RY)’ will be displayed accordingly. The new piles at Hilton Pier will be temporarily lit by night (illustrated): 2 all-round fixed RED lights displayed vertically on the upper mooring pile and midstream berthing pile; All-round fixed WHITE lights on the remaining piles.
The piles at Canary Wharf are behind the exiting pier and will not be lit. Further details will be broadcast by London VTS on VHF Channel 14.
2. Sea Reach - Scour Mattress & Cathodic Protection Installation Operations - from the 17th of January 2025 scour mattress & cathodic protection installation operations will take place on the western 80 metres of London Gateway berth 4. The vessels involved in the scour operations are as follows:
GPS Battler
GPS Arcadia
GPS 601 Barge
NP 639 Barge
Cathodic protection installation will only take place from the quayside but will involve dive teams in the water. These works will proceed to work in a westerly direction. All scour mattress operations will be utilising a barge and will involve dive teams in the water. These works​
will only take place at the western corner of berth 4. During these operations, vessels may only berth on the eastern 320m of berth 4 up to & including bollard 88. All vessels are required to maintain the following exclusion zones:​
An exclusion zone of 100m between any manoeuvring vessels and divers in the water (the manoeuvring vessel in this case is considered to be any vessel, including tugs assisting with berthing/unberthing operations)​
When diving is not taking place, a minimum exclusion zone of 40m clearance from Cathodic Protection installation works.​
All participating vessels will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 68 and will remain in direct contact with the London Gateway Harbour Master and shift managers.​
Mariners are urged to exercise caution and remain vigilant while navigating in the vicinity of London Gateway. For further information, please contact London VTS at 01474 562215.
3. Gravesend Reach - Gravesham Light Show - on 24th and 25th January 2025, contractors instructed by Gravesham Borough Council will be holding the Gravesham Light Festival at Town Pier Pontoon. The schedule of the event are as follows:
Dates 24th and 25th January
Show Duration 4 x 8 minutes both days
Show Times 1800, 1845, 1930, 2000hrs
Beam Alignment/Pre-Checks Between 1600-1700hrs
During the event, an exclusion zone will be established between the upriver end of Tower Pier to 160m downriver of the Pontoon to include associated yellow mooring buoys, extending 70m either side of Town Pier Pontoon. The chartlet shows the location of the event, with the exclusion zone indicated by the red box: This exclusion zone will be in effect between the hours of 1530hrs and 2030hrs on each day. Access to Town Pier Pontoon and the downriver yellow mooring buoys will not be permitted for any vessel. For the latest information, contact London VTS on VHF channel 68 or telephone 01474 562215.
4. Limehouse Reach - Canary Wharf Jack-Up Barge - on or about Wednesday 15th January 2025 the jack-up barge HAVEN SEARISER 4 will be moored on the downriver side of Canary Wharf Pier. The jack-up barge is expected to remain in situ for approximately 2 weeks.
The general location of the jack-up barge works is indicated by the red box on the chartlet. The jack up barge is being pre-positioned for future works. Mariners will be advised of these works prior to commencement via a future Notice to Mariners. During the manoeuvring of the barge into position, requests for vessels to proceed with caution or pass at slow speed may be made by London VTS on VHF ch.14, in accordance with the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, section 4. International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee (RY)’ will be displayed accordingly. Further details will be broadcast by London VTS on VHF Channel 14.
5. Dredging Operations – Sospan Dau – Update 1 - dredging operations are taking place as follows:
➢ Sospan Dau (IMO 7711062) - on or around 18 January 2025 – will be carrying out trailing suction hopper dredging around Harwich Haven and Port of Felixstowe for approx. 4 days, with material disposed to the beneficial sites in the River Stour and Orwell (as per the diagram)
6. Maintenance Works at Halfpenny Pier, Harwich – Update 1 - the pontoon bridges at Ha’penny Pier will be removed from 08 January 2025 for approx. 1 month for essential maintenance. During this period, foot access to the 2nd and 3rd pontoons from the main pier (and vice versa) will be restricted. For those requiring shore access, berthing options will be limited to the first pontoon only. The pontoon bridges will be returned as soon as repair works have been completed. Contact for further information.
Further maintenance works are also taking place on the main pier until mid-late March 2025. From or around 23 January 2025 the tug Jean T (Callsign: MVS06) and a barge will be working alongside the pier for approx. 2 weeks. Mariners are requested to keep well clear and pass at slow speeds.
7. Sheerness Docks – No. 10 Berth Fog Signal - the fog signal sited at the seaward end of Sheerness No.10 berth, see below, is inoperative. Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals – NP74. Vol A A1996 - Garrison Point Ro-Ro Berth 10 – 51° 26.88 N, 000° 44.82 E – Horn (3) 30s
Work is underway to rectify the fault, however, the timescale for reinstatement is currently unknown, all vessels navigating in vicinity of Garrison Point during periods of restricted visibility should be aware of the outage and proceed with caution. A cancellation to this notice will be promulgate as soon as normal conditions are restored. Further information may be obtained from Medway VTS on VHF Channel 74, call sign “Medway VTS” or telephone 0151 949 6148 or 0151 949 6650 (Recorded Lines)
8. River Medway – Saltpan Reach - BP Isle of Grain No.1 Jetty – Dredging Operations - a capital dredging campaign to extend the current berth box will be taking place at BP Isle of Grain No.1 Jetty, dredging is due to commence on the PM tide of 25/01/2025 and is expected to be completed by 31/01/2025. All dredging operations will be focussed around the “berthing box” and will be carried out by the water injection dredger ‘Aquadelta’ who will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 74 at all times. “Aquadelta” will be restricted in her ability to manoeuvre and display the required signals for respective operations by day and night. All vessels are required to pass BP Isle of Grain Jetty 1 with caution, reduce their speed and wash accordingly and maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch.74 at all times. Further information may be obtained from Medway VTS on VHF Channel 74, call sign “Medway VTS” or telephone 0151 949 6148 or 0151 949 6650. (Recorded Lines).

All images and chartlets can be seen at: Notices to Mariners

That's it/