New member
Moring all. My last post was regarding our first weekend with the boat - surprisingly it all went pretty well. Wife and children all had a great time. Launching (at Itchenor was fine - and even recovery went well) no loss of temper - no damage - lots of fun - everyone enjoyed it and looking forward to next trip. So I sit here this morning feeling very relieved with a family who feel the investment was worthwhile. This weekend we camped near the Witterings and launched at Itchenor. Seems to me the only downside for day trips is that a. It is a long flog out of Chichester to the Solent and b. There is a long trip to other ports. We have a week of camping (ashore) and day trips on the boat planned for Aug. From my sail days I recall that there is more to see and do for the family on the West of the Solent and hence this post. Does anyone know of a camp site (on the West side) close to a slip that can be used at all states of the tide without a 4WD. I fancy taking the family to explore Beaulieu, Hamble, Lymingtom etc and across the Solent (we have an auxiliary) and feel it would be a bit of flog from Itchenor in our boat. Views from all but particularly those with experience of trailer sailing in this area valued. Seems we have the bug and I can understand why buying second hand was sensible and that many move up in terms of boat within 2 - 3 years.
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