new name for Birchwood?



having established that Birchwood occassionally look at this forum, I wonder if we dare volunteer a few humble opinions here.

For starters, there's that name. Birchwood sounds like a weedy tree, or a kind of soap for old people like Sandalwood, and boring for sex and sizzle range of powerboats. I confess I didn't go on the stand co of the name.

So, um, any ideas? Obviously, can't include "sun" or "seeker" or "line" in the name. And suggestions like Oakwood or Larchwood must be categorised as Mr Colin Idiot who changed his name to Peter Idiot.


Whats wrong with Birchwood - I'm used to it and it would take me ages to learn a new name. On the other hand, there is always "Sea Leopard".

So far as looks are concerned, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and, for sports cruisers, I don't think the Commando's are that bad. I would not buy, however, the 370 unless they brought out a shaft drive version.

The flybridge and aft cabin cruisers only need a little attention to the shape of the windows as there is not much wrong the the hull shapes. The windows are all over the place and what is supposed presumably to be flowing soft lines actually ruins the appearance of the boats. What was wrong with good old regular shapes?

Incidentally, I have found my Birchwood hull to be really pretty sea kindly, more so than equivalent sized Fairline, Princess and Sealine hulls. Can't speak for sunseeker as I have never tried one. You have to drive her quite hard through biggish seas to get her to slam. My previous Fairline would slam in anything over a ripple. The only issue is a following sea where the large transom makes her a bit of a handful.



sea leopard and run away! Anyway I think leopard has been got by another. How abt Barracuda? Cor! Handily also starts with a B. And reminiscent of zoomy car.

Agreed only small details wreck the lines. No major rework, just windows shapes look clunky.


Nope! I like Birchwood and for me it has been associated with lots of pleasure so it can stay.

Re the Commando range, if the hulls were finished in dark blue there would not be much to choose between it and the equivalent Targa although I agree the curvy wraparound screen makes the Princess equivalents better looking. As for the garage, supplied as standard on the 51 is a jet rib as opposed to a jet ski although you can substitute. I don't think anyone else does better on this size of boat do they?



As you say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and to mine the Commando range is downright ugly. The windscreen/sidescreen treatment is downright derivative but the hull still looks like a 60/70s design.They just don't seem to jell together.IMHO their best design was the TS37 but it does look terribly dated.



I really liked the TS37 which was and, if you can get a good one (not BMW engines) still is, a lot of boat for the money. The Birchwood hull shape has stayed much the same for many years with the sort of trade mark knuckle and rounded chines. It works well and is soft riding and a good sea boat. I have put in a leg on the way home from Dublin (45 mls to Carlingford) in a South Easterly force 7 and whilst it was no fun and the Missus was making her peace with god, the boat was always secure and never even hinted of being anywhere near overwhelmed.

I accept its an oldish design appearance but then so is the Halmatic hull and no one would dispute its abilities. Why change what ain't broke?

As to the Commando, may I say I do not work for Birchwood but it's felt like it for the last couple of days. Also, I am not a sportscruiser fan although I might have one if I were based somewhere warm. If you look at the windscreen, its pretty well the same as the Fairline Targa (on both sizes of Commando). The 370 has much better interior accomodation than either the equivalent Fairline or Princess.

Maybe if the hull were finished in dark blue like the targa and princess, it would appeal more.

However, everyone to his own!



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Some one suggested changing it to Biodegradable. Not to sure why. Or why not Balsa Wood just for a change.
Or Nick would. Or would Nick!!
Nick in the Woods!!
Or Fairy Princess so as not to confuss!!



Thats rich coming from someone who swans about (when the engines let him!) in a Princess

Goodnight sweetheart!



Re: four-nil to NR

Ok I give up. Well done to Birchwood having quite such a loyal customer who is so pleased with his boat that the manufacturer can't sell him anything else.


I just can't help feeling the scalloped hull looks very old fashioned. The window design is very much in vogue at the moment. Just looks a little bit like a granny wearing a boob tube. Not my cup of tea at all!
I'm not criticising Birchwood for trying to update their designs but perhaps they are chasing the wrong market. Their core strengths to me are value for money, practical family boating. Fashionable? never! Some boat manufacturers have made a virtue of being unfashionable. Traders, Nelsons and Grand Banks spring to mind. Maybe Birchwood should try to be compared to these instead of Princess, Fairline and Sunseeker.



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16 May 2001
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It's not the name, it's what people associate it with. And that's the problem.

The first thing they gotta do is design some more stylish boats (and I agree, it's only some subtle details like window shape that need fixing, oh and that awful hull knuckle). Then they gotta decide between (a) keeping the Birchwood name and doing a Volkswagen/Skoda "brand reposition" - that's a monumentally expensive exercise, you see more Skoda ads and posters than you do the cars, but VW is in it for the long run and has deep pockets. Or (b) dump the name and pick a new one, anything that kind of works, Bolero, Symphony, whatever, or just pinch Commando for the whole range, then still spend some money to promote.

Option (b) is the right answer. Not just for depth of pocket reasons, though that's a big factor

Then a few other bits like navy hulls to create "distance" in customers mind from old jobs. And hire Nick as chief protagonist, incentivise him with lots of stock options or sweet management equity. And fix/fire the schmucko dealer network

This is easy stuff, they can make boats and a have a good workforce with the carpentry skills etc. Management just need to wake up and smell the coffee, not post defensive messages like "our boats are very good come to the factory and I'll show you". I'm not criticising that offer to see the factory but I mean it monumentally misses the point which is that no matter how well they're built the boat buying public simply doesn't rate the product and it will never therefore command a premium price.



Re: association wheezes

Yes, create lux and starry image.

1) Put wacky engine in one-off boat with suface drives, claim 50 knot record for cruiser or whatever. But leave std option with cheapy engines like s'seekers so most buy the cheapy stuff.

2) Get a big Commando, spray whole thing black silk with tinty windows, to look menacing and also hide ugly outline. Call it the Shadow option. Just need one of these, for boat show and film work.

3) Engineer a slightly gasp scandal raunchy event on any Commando. Praps the black one as above. Invite posh'nbecks or Duch of Essex or whatever on private jet for weekend away in med. Tip off tabloids for grainy airbrushed photos into tabloids.

4) Give T Blair (or mebbe prospective tory candidate) free trip on boat with name "Premier" for photo op, praps summer holiday pic in solent or up Thames all very worky worky supporting british industry computer on board and not skiving at taxpayers expense.

5) get rid of knuckle on hull cheaply with sticky on blue stripe to avoid casting a shadow on white hull.


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16 May 2001
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Agreeing that Birchwood have a brand positioning problem the best way out is to KEEP the name. Talking with my professional head on that spends all day long during the week advising brands you all know and love, in how to position themselves, keeping a brand name is always the cheapest option. The very good comparison by JFM was Skoda - OK they had a crappy name, but everyone knew them. It is far cheaper to improve the product [you would have to do that, name change or otherwise] and keep a familiar brand than trying to establish a new brand from scratch.

I also believe that build quality aside, that their product design leaves a lot to be desired. I think this is not a lack of design flair on their part, but a deep rooted reluctance to leave a company 'trademark' behind - i.e. the knuckle hull, even though it draws little admiration from their consumers. I think they believe that this design mark is a USP [unique selling point] and makes people buy Birchwood, when in reality it is a design that stops people buying Birchwood. I know it would be a brave Chairman that would sanction the change but it would be a Chairman that would take the company to new heights.

I also think that excellent design wins consumers over build quality – people buy TVR cause they look great, but they break down a lot. Would people buy TVR if they looked crap but didn’t break down? [they could also sell a lot more if they didn’t break down/fall to bits and they could charge more cash for them!]



Re: er terms and conditions

Seems to be quite of lot of free professional advice going out here for Birchwood, so just to be clear, the usual large rates apply if any of this is taken up, but of course no responsibility whatsoever if it all goes to rats.

Anyway, as for the current name, isn't a birchwood the thing that someone uses to give 50 lashes?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Suggestions (don\'t exactly roll off tongue

Ran it throught the e-anagram generator, had to use birchwood international cuz birchwood alone too dull, it came up with the sexy "drown cohabitation liner" and the macabre "reincarnation with blood".

Birchwood boats however came up with the interesting niteclub transactional line "Boobs worth acid?" and the tekky/nautical "bow had robotics"

Back to the drawing board I spose. Bring back "Birchwood", all is forgiven



30 May 2001
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As an owner of a TS37 and a Countess 27, I have been looking at all the comments with a mixture of mild amusement and slight indignation.

I would hope there is NOT one among you, who would have danced with glee a few years ago, when Birchwood almost sunk without trace. And yet, there ARE a few, who seemingly would like to get rid of the name.

Nobody seems to have considered the huge commercial problems that were faced by the new owners. I actually met the MD at the London Boat show, shortly after he bought them out. He was occupying what amounted to a broom cupboard, as his stand. And yet he/they have survived.

The cost of new moulds, new designs, research etc, was far more than a struggling company could afford. So clearly the prudent way was to make minor, cost effective changes that at least kept them in the market.

Somebody did make the analogue with Skoda - big difference! The might of VW was behind them. And yes, they have re-invented themselves.- but my god the money that must have been thrown at that.

I love my TS37- I have yet to find a modern boat that is comparable (for the money that is). It does have its perculiarities, so have most boats. The hull shape I find ok, in fact quite business-like. I have been through some mountainous seas with both of my boats, and never ever gave me an anxious moment.

Many companies take strange decisions, eg Fairline made a huge mistake when they ditched the Turbo 36.- a winning formula. Though I still prefer the TS37.
You either have to run with the pack, or, as somebody suggested, concentrate on a niche, more traditional market.

Which ever way Birchwood go, I think we all should wish them well - and less of the knocking.

Happy cruising