New Greek Tax, just received from Gouvia Marina


31 Jan 2007
gloucestershire UK
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I have had to cut and paste this from my email:

Information on the Fee for Pleasure Boats and Day Cruise Ships (TEPAI)
We would like to inform you that, following a recent law, a new fee (TE.PA.I) appliesto private
and professional pleasure boats and professional tourism day cruise ships exceeding seven
(7) meters in length for each month they remain within Greek territorial waters, regardless
of their flag.
The TE.PA.I is calculated on the basis of the overall length (LOA) of the vessel as per the
following table:

The TE.PA.I is paid for each month of stay in Greek territorial waters. The payment is made
before the beginning of the month for which the fee is due and may also cover more than
one months.
The fee may be paid in one instalment for the entire year. In this case, payment is made
either in December of the previous year or in January of this year.
For payment of the TE.PA.I, an electronic payment code (e-TE.PA.I) and payment via bank as
well as transfer via SEPA are required. If issuance of an electronic payment code is not
possible, payment shall be made to any Port or Customs Authority.
Reductions/discounts are applied in the following cases:
(a) a reduction of 25% for vessels, carrying a Greek Professional License exceeding 12 meters
in length, conditional upon dedicated professional use.
(b) a reduction of 20% if the (professional or private) vessels enter and remain in ports within
Greek territory during the current calendar year and provided they pay an advance lump sum
payment for the fee for the entire calendar year. A reduction of 20% shall be granted to
commercial ships in addition to the reduction of 25%.
(c) a 10% discount for Pleasure Boats and Day Cruise Ships in the event of prepayment of the
fee for 12 months, provided that the lump-sum payment is made in January of the current
calendar year, or in December of the previous year to which it relates.
Payment Exemptions
TEPAI is not applicable for the following vessel categories:
(a) Decommissioned or confiscated vessels, for the period of their decommissioning or
(b) Ships characterised as “traditional” ships
(c) Vessels in immobility (Out of Use).
Length of ship Fee (€) Fines for non-payment (€)
From 7 to 8 meters 16€ per month 190€
From 8 to 10 meters 25€ per month 300€
From 10 to 12 meters 33€ per month 400€
12 meter and more 8€ per meter per month 1.200€[/B]

GOUVIA MARINA S.A. – P.O. BOX 60, 49083 Tzavros , Corfu / ΜΑΡΙΝΑ ΓΟΥΒΙΩΝ Α.Ε. – Τ.Θ. 60, 49083 Τζάβρος, Κέρκυρα Tel.
(+30) 26610 91900/91376 – Fax (+30) 26610 91829 – email:
It should be noted that, the immobility refers to the period of time that the “Certificate of
Nationality” or the “Vessel Running Permit” has been submitted to the Port Authorities, at
the request of the owner of the boat or his legally authorized person. In this way, the above
mentioned cost of TE.PA.I will be reduced for the out of use period of time of the boat. In
order to remove the immobility, proof of payment of TE.PA.I is required.
The authorized person must have an official authorization signed by the owner and stamped
with the APOSTILLE stamp [for EU citizens] or promptly witnessed, and translated in to Greek
language. In case you have nobody representing you in Greece you might authorize our
marina manager Mr. Dimitrios Koutsodontis.

Hope you can understand it!


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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This differs slightly from the letter I was given by Gouvia Marina a couple of days ago. It derives from advice issued by the Greek Marinas Association and, like that, is provisional. I see that in your version the reference to online payment via AADE has been withdrawn. But it remains uncertain how the tax will be collected (or if, indeed, it will be). Gouvia Marina staff tell me that the other cited agencies, in particular the local Port Police, are not at this point committed to being involved.

It is good to see that the marina office has agreed to the suggestion that they might, if necessary, act as agents for berth-holders.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Although we thank you for posting this info from the marina , I have to say it's all just more confusing and conflicting info .
To me at less it seen the marina know no more then any of us about the tax ,
has it been stated by others here from info they have talking to the PP , and from the man him self , Chris that so far there is no indication if the tax will even come in . Let alone how people are going to have to pay for it .
A decision on our plain this year will be taken when I hear from people I know to give out good reliable info that they have to pay the tax .
The only down side to this is nothing is heard after April and we decide to go to Greece this year and as we get there we find out it's payable , in which case it's going to mean a long sail back or head for Turkey .


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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This differs slightly from the letter I was given by Gouvia Marina a couple of days ago. It derives from advice issued by the Greek Marinas Association and, like that, is provisional. I see that in your version the reference to online payment via AADE has been withdrawn. But it remains uncertain how the tax will be collected (or if, indeed, it will be). Gouvia Marina staff tell me that the other cited agencies, in particular the local Port Police, are not at this point committed to being involved.

It is good to see that the marina office has agreed to the suggestion that they might, if necessary, act as agents for berth-holders.

See FAQs published on the main thread - wish we could stop creating new threads!

Acting as agents - just read the FAQs on how - Letters in Greek Notarised etc etc - I give up.

However it does say that tax can be paid late if not present but if you get caught before paying - you are in the shit.

A delay might still happen as they are still arguing in head office about whether they can do it now without chaos..... I dont think it will be binned again.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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See FAQs published on the main thread - wish we could stop creating new threads!

Duplicating threads is not limited to this subject. It occurs across the whole spectrum of this forum and leads to repeats of the same debates and arguments.:nonchalance:

In varying degrees we are all guilty of it.

Such is life.:ambivalence:


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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See FAQs published on the main thread - wish we could stop creating new threads!
Sorry Chris, I thought this thread was specifically about advice being given by Gouvia Marina - where several of us are located - rather than a comment on the overall situation which you have dealt with so well in the main thread. The chaos is such that what is being implemented at local level may become the most relevant!
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Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Sorry Chris, I thought this thread was specifically about advice being given by Gouvia Marina - where several of us are located - rather than a comment on the overall situation which you have dealt with so well in the main thread. The chaos is such that what is being implemented at local level may become the most relevant!
No problem Andrew - As you will see from the other thread, I think they have created HIGE confusion over their say "if you are hauled out, you are not liable to pay the tax". Peeps will take it as they don't need to file documents - but they do!

Its becoming a complete ****up. Time to go to Turkey - its not the money, it the shear aqgro that will go with the start of the season. - On the other hand, I like a challenge!


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18 Oct 2010
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We are based in Gouvia too and in a private email from the office staff, (after explaining I wouldn't be in Greece until May and have the ships papers here at home) they have suggested that I just hold fire and see what happens come April. They are under the impression that the online payment system will be up and running soon & that will be the portal to use.

Also my man on the grounds (an ex pat who lives there & a yachtie) suggests just hold off & see what happens



Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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We are based in Gouvia too and in a private email from the office staff, (after explaining I wouldn't be in Greece until May and have the ships papers here at home) they have suggested that I just hold fire and see what happens come April. They are under the impression that the online payment system will be up and running soon & that will be the portal to use.

Also my man on the grounds (an ex pat who lives there & a yachtie) suggests just hold off & see what happens

Jonathan - a concession has been made to allow back paying tax to 2nd April when you finally arrive there. You might ask where the honesty is of making some one pay when their yacht is clearly out of use.!