Never recommend your gardener.


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29 Apr 2003
Not always where I would like to be!
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I recommend gardener to a friend who is in need of a major re-style and guess what? The b****r doesn't show his face in my garden for over six weeks, gratitude eh!

Anyway here's the boaty bit; swmbo away with kids, great chance for some golf/pub, but no, gardens a mess and summer hols/cruise is coming up. If swmbo comes home and sees garden looking like tip she might suggest that we delay hols a day or two to sort it out. Hedge last night (made sure that I cut cable on clippers at end of job), lawn tonight (b****y Honda starts first time again). Oh well, back to the grind. At least I can dream of the superb August that Bill Giles is promising, a steady 3-4 breeze will be nice as well.

If you want to get away sailing keep your gardener, decorator and any other b****r that does all of your work to yourself!

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16 May 2001
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Why should it be any different for you?

Don't you know that all the scruffiest gardens in the neighbourhood are owned by yachtsmen?

Steve Cronin

PS Any good at repairing roofs?

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8 Sep 2002
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Re: So!!!.....

Would'nt say ours is bad,
But we use a chainsaw on the privet hedges !Cut the meadows, sorry lawns a couple
times a year, Quite sufficient IMHO

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16 May 2001
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Who says?

Eventually* Bavaria replaced all the Rutgersons with Gebos. Since then nere a drop has come through. Many other owners also complained and got replacements. It was a failed technology known to most users of Sikkaflex in that you can't get it to adhere to three faces at right angles in a flexing application for very long, only two so it pulls away from one and then in comes the water.

Steve Cronin

*after nearly a year of gaffer tape. The following LIBS there was a guy selling a whole pile of second hand Rutgersons who's flanges were smeared with sealant, in the upper gallery at VERY cheap prices. I wonder where he got them from?

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