NB - for when you're bored. . . .


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NB - for when you\'re bored. . . .

If you're really bored, go to amazon.com (not the British .co.uk site, the one with all the Americans!) then look up any classic, universally admired piece of art, be it literature, film etc and got to customer reviews and sort by lowest rating first. Now read on agog!

Here's a head start:

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.waxy.org/archive/2004/07/01/amazonco.shtml>http://www.waxy.org/archive/2004/07/01/amazonco.shtml</A>

Have fun! /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

<hr width=100% size=1><< Sig removed at request from Kim Hollamby - he thought it might scare forumites! >>


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Re: NB - for when you\'re bored. . . .

Amazingly accurate reviews. I must go look at the top rated to see what twaddle they espouse!

<hr width=100% size=1>Me transmitte sursum, caledoni


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8 Sep 2003
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Re: NB - for when you\'re bored. . . .

I must say my favourite to date is this review of Abbey Road:

'I bought this album because I totally thought the guy on the right was Kate Hudson's husband. So I mean, I THOUGHT I was scoring some QUALITY stoner grooves or like, something kinda White Stripey.
Dude, was I wrong.
Like, are there ANY phat beats on this thing? Um, NO--I heard they don't tour at all--I bet they can't dance, 'cause not one of their boy band harmonies has a kickin' beat behind it, so what's the point?
And what's with the look? I mean, dude, hit a gymn already, and like, catch Queer Eye like even once, and get some product in your hair.
And those lyrics...they don't take it from the streets to the suburbs (props to Eminem) or the suburbs to the suburbs (shout out to tha Kid)--in fact THEY DON'T RAP AT ALL. I Want You (She's So Heavy)--I mean, sure we all want the hot girl, but do you have to make the other girl who's fat feel bad by telling her that? Too cold. And what's with Carry That Weight--is the guy going with the fat girl after all, or has he gotten fat himself? Confusing. Give Me "your body is a wonderland" any day.
Speaking of heavy, forget slammin' tracks--these guys are ENGLISH, so they don't hit it like like Korn or Limp Bizkit or Phantom Planet. And okay, yeah, Sun King was kind of cool to chill to, but it would be better if it lasted like, twenty minutes with the same downbeats going all the way through--you can't get halfway through your doobie before the song is like, over. And Polythene Pam right after? Freaked me out, man.
So, in summary, check out a real band like Incubus. /forums/images/icons/cool.gif

<hr width=100% size=1><< Sig removed at request from Kim Hollamby - he thought it might scare forumites! >>


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16 Dec 2002
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Re: NB - for when you\'re bored. . . .

oh god, this is the worst pastime ever. I am troubled between laughing at the stupidity of people and crying for the same reason.

And some people called my favourite all time movie 'Rear Window' boring without substance and annoying cos it all happens in one place!

If anyone has a go at Hitchcock, lemme at em I will bop them on the nose!

Oh god, look up hitchhikers, the poor Americans are really suffering with this one!

<hr width=100% size=1>Julian

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<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Jools_of_Top_Cat on 20/07/2004 00:10 (server time).</FONT></P>


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10 Nov 2002
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Re: NB - for when you\'re bored. . . .

Some of the funniest reviews I've ever seen on Amazon were for a <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000070S1/ref=cm_rev_sort/104-9897088-1044745?show=-rating&v=glance&vi=customer-reviews&s=music&Go.x=5&Go.y=13>David Hasselhoff</A> album. It was pointed out to me by a friend, honest!

Some of the comments are side-splittingly funny. Worth paging through a few if you want a laugh.

Song 6 seems to be particularly appreciated.


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