Mystere 26 - Information please



If there is anyone on Scuttlebutt who has owned, sailed or has other experience of the Mystere 26, built by Langstone Marine, whether good or bad, could you either say it here or else PM me.

Opinions on seaworthiness, seakindliness, strengths and weaknesses would all be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


PS: I am going to look at one with a view to purchase in the next few days.

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12 Aug 2001
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I cannot speak from direct experience because I have never owned a Flyer. However, for the 15-20 years I was unable to boat, work got in the way, the Mystere 26 was the boat I wanted. When the time came to buy I looked at a number of boats all just what I wanted but the advancing years made the headroom at the forward end of the saloon just a bit tight for me. I was particularly drawn to the hull shape and the wheel steering.

Looked round for something else and found the Sabre 27 which has all the extra room not quite as fast but a good sea boat. No wheel steering so I added it myself.
Have a look at the web site quite a good alternative.


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A bit of a coincidence. My previous boat was also built by Eric White - a Trident 24.

Thanks for the comments.

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Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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One of my friends bought one last year. I'm not sure of the precise model but it has the slightly shallower draft. There is another one in the yard with the deeper keel.

I cruised in company twice with this friend. The Mystere is just what he wanted - he basically sails single handed but on the cruises he was accompanied by an inexperienced family friend. It seemed to sail very well and also went well under power (we did a fair bit of motor sailing first across the estuary, Blackwater to Ramsgate, then Ramsgate Calais. Whilst the winds were light, the passage was no problem in either direction. He has an early Yanmar engine which is still going strong.

Inside it is well fitted - he's added a fridge this last winter. I would think this is one of the better 26 footers around. Hull condition is pretty good although he is painting the topsides this year (first coat of gloss tomorrow if the weather is ok).

All the running gear looks fit for purpose. Don't think he's found a weakness. I have some digital pictures which I could e-mail if you pm me with the address.

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14 Jun 2002
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Designed by Fred Parker, has a larger sister, the 30' Javelin, built same era. they are a windward boat, a point of sail on which they excell. Twitchy down wind performance. Most were home completed so watch for build quality here. Some I have seen have been very poorly put together. On balance though, an excellent sailing boat, a mini thoroughbread.

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Thanks to all for your info and help.

I had just got in my car to go and see the boat when my mobile rang. It was the Broker telling me not to come as he had just sold it.

Ah well, you can't win them all and the phone call saved me over 200 miles driving!

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Well, my luck has changed. Found another Mystere 26 today, put in an offer, subject to survey, and had it accepted.

Thanks very much to all who replied to my original query.

Now, my big problem - I have to find a mooring/berth in the Falmouth area. Anyone can help?

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