My dilemma


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27 Nov 2002
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Re: Logic

My understanding is that both Blyth and Sunderland boats have been withdrawn. Whilst 3 all weather boats in 15 miles would seem to be a generous allocation reducing at a stroke to 1 boat is perhaps a little over the top.

Certainly the number of fishing boats is less than it was but the leisure boating activity is growing rapidly. Perhaps more of a concern is the growth of diving activities which seem to produce a disproportionate number of incidents.

Dunno where the boats have gone perhaps the answer to that would support the "emotive" case.

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16 Dec 2002
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Re: Don\'t worry Jools

I thought this was the new UK, a blame free zone

oh, I forgot about the fascist 'I am gonna nail him' blunket and his new 'security' regulations.

I also read that if you wish to enter the thames as a flotilla aka the Cherboug gang, you are now supposed to inform the river police for permission. This is for leisure boaters, no such regulation exists for the commercial boys. All in the name of security.

This makes me want to organise a few hundred boats to sail in past Parliament without asking, just to see what would happen.

<hr width=100% size=1>Julian

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19 Jan 2004
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Re: Don\'t get me going

>>Incidentally they seem to 'save' many more people on the Thames than the Met ever did,
Maybe because they are set up to save people - not police the waters????

>>BTW, the Thames 'lifboatmen' aren't heroic volunteers, they're full time paid employees.
Not strictly true. Typical crews have two f/t and 1 volunteer crew each shift. And, FYI, many of the f/t e'ees go home after their shift to the coast where they become "heroic volunteers" at their home station. Are they any different to the f/t mechanics on the coast? Oh, and Teddington, 1 of the 4 stations, runs a D class exactly like on the coast, all vols.

>>I'd be happy to see an accountants translation of the figures though.
2001 figures are very out of date - and the 2003 figures ARE available here (and have been for some time): - admittedly signposting is not great on the site which is being overhauled. Have a read of these and see how rich they accountant needed...

>>saving council tax
AFAIK - the councils are now donating the monies previously spent on lifeguards to the RNLI for the Beach Rescue service. I am not 100% certain on this, tho.

>>have even got facilities on places like inland lakes and the Broads
Correct - Eniskillen *2, South Broads, and Lough Derg (Irl). So are inland boaters a lesser form of life that do not deserve rescue??

>>We are not actively promoting registration or legislation
A stance he (appears?) to have shifted on - but does anyone have the full context of the quote??? Agreed that RNLI should encourage safety not force it.

>>First off the new Irish Laws are full of holes
Like where?? Love to see the holes so I could exploit :))


The views expressed are entirely my own and do not represent anyone elses!!!!

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