eleven men think than their boat is un-seaworthy and initially refused to re-join her. Eight relented when threatened with Court-Martial but of the three staying off, one is the technician responsible for auditing faults aboard and he claims that there are in excess of 120 faults some of which are serious and involve the reactor's integrity. He also claims that the rest of the H-K fleet are in similar condition.
Should we worry? Is this cause for concern when these men are willing to throw away their careers and get a stretch in the glass house rather than be onboard a British submarine when it takes it's first deep dive following (claimed) botched repairs?
Steve Cronin
<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion
Should we worry? Is this cause for concern when these men are willing to throw away their careers and get a stretch in the glass house rather than be onboard a British submarine when it takes it's first deep dive following (claimed) botched repairs?
Steve Cronin
<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion