Taken from H.A.Calahan's book "So you're going to buy a boat?", 1947 edition:
"... the motorboat,in its present stage of development, requires very little skill and knowledge for its safe operation.With a good motor, properly installed, a reasonably sound and tight hull, and an elementary knowledge of piloting, anyone can operate a motorboat.The windjamer on the other hand, can spend a lifetime of study and the more he knows about his sport, the more he realizes how essentially meager his knowledge is.
"... the motorboat,in its present stage of development, requires very little skill and knowledge for its safe operation.With a good motor, properly installed, a reasonably sound and tight hull, and an elementary knowledge of piloting, anyone can operate a motorboat.The windjamer on the other hand, can spend a lifetime of study and the more he knows about his sport, the more he realizes how essentially meager his knowledge is.