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16 May 2001
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Re: All change

You two are going to love this - not! I went down to the boat last night to see what I needed. Got the next lot of water through and then tasted what's actually in the header. It's now salt water!! It must have been diluting previously with the existing fresh water.

Guess that means it's the heat exchanger?...


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: All change

Bloody good chance, like I said, I doubted the calorifier. Is there an oil cooler aswell? Just do as your told! (only joking) and put a cooling system pressure tester on it, it will tell you! It may well be something simple, like a "O" ring seal or so, but it may be a little difficult to find this leak, especially as it is internal! But by disconnecting hoses, from the seperate components, you should be able to find it, your ears are a great asset here, you can often hear the leak, when you place your ears close to where you have removed the pipes. Just one thing, Close the seacock, before you do any of this!!


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16 May 2001
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Re: All change

At least I'm looking at less cost, hopefully... Yes I'll check systematically. Probably have to enlist the help of original engineer for pressure test. Is it safe for use in the short term do you reckon?


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: All change

Not really, but it shouldn't come to any harm as long as you get it sorted soon! Low revs and be a good boy! Older and some new engines, still use raw (salt) water coolling, outboards! etc. so it should be ok, but I would get that salt water out of the system as soon as possible. When you've found the leak, I would also flush the fresh water side with a hose, for a long time to get all the salt/salt water out! It would be advantageous to get a pro in for this testing etc. (unless you're a mean hand with the spanners) You can inspect all your hoses at the same time and renew any suspect ones, including clips, might as well check them all while you're at it!


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Re: All change

It doesn't upset me a bit! I'm quite used to diagnosing problems based on limited information amd then changing them when more information comes up.

If it's definitely seawater, there is not much other than the heat exchanger that can be at fault. The pressure test doesn't need to be very sophisticated, a big cork and a bike pump might be enough, but don't overdo the pressure. If you hear air bubbles in the heat exchanger that should tell you the answer. Designs vary - if it's a bolted type you should be able to dismantle it and find the source of the problem, if not you'll need a new one.


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16 May 2001
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Re: All change

Yes I'll call on some expert help. It's good though to know what to expect first! I'm no stranger to working on engines but know nothing about marine cooling systems and it helps to know where the water's coming from and going to at least!!

Many thanks for your input.


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16 May 2001
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Re: All change

Thanks again Vyv. I can stop boring the pants of everyone by keep dragging this to the top of the pile now.