More waterfront development!



Some 8 or 9 months ago, I posted to the forum an item requesting help for the town of Brightlingsea to fight off the unwanted attentions of a property developer. I know from feedback I received that several of you who know the area put pen to paper to assist our cause.

The cause for concern was the development of the old James and Stone shipyard site into a Docklands type development. No one would agree that the now derelict site should be left as it is, and that some sort of development is desperately needed. HOWEVER, the developer Hampstead Homes has taken it that a development in keeping with a small East Coast port is a 154 unit development on less than 5 acres of buildable land! The development extends some 25 metres further out into the creek than the original proposal, further obstructing the tidal flow near a site of special scientific interest. The height of the buildings is now some 20.70 metres above the foreshore which is in fact 1.5m below OD. The buildings are all 4 storey plus roof space, the original brief was "2/3 storey with some scope for a limited amount of 4 storey including roof space". In short, the buildings extend too far into the creek, there are too many units on too small an area, the development is out of keeping with existing buildings, the tidal flow will be obstructed, and the towns infrastructure just cannot cope with such a large potential influx of residents.

It seems hard to believe that not 5 miles down river, the re development of the old Wivenhoe Shipyard site has produced an acceptable plan of some 76, 2 storey units on 6 acres of buildable land.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, your help is once again requested...If you REALLY care about what is happening to the waterfront around the East Coast, PLEASE make your voice heard by writing BEFORE THE 25th JANUARY to the following address and quoting the application number, outlining the concerns as above.

Application No.01/02099/FUL

Mr Peter Le Grys
Planning Department
Tendring District Council
Council Offices
Thorpe Road
CO16 9AJ

Your voice will help to keep Brightlingsea as it is, a quiet little backwater that is a pleasure to visit by land or sea!


Have you requested the assistance of The Council for the Preservation of Rural England? Are the adjacent waters not covered by development restrictions relating
to environmental protection, i.e. SSSI or RAMSAR? If so what is the local authority up to?
This is a typical con application whose dimensions and environmental impact bear
little or no resemblance to the original outline planning description presented to the public and the affected proprietors. It is a game played in private by the Planning Officers and the capital starved applicants. Sock it to 'em & Good Luck.