Mitchell vs. Nimbus?


1 Jul 2003
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I'm in a quandry. Can anyone help me to decide?
I have to make up my mind by tomorrow whether to buy either a Mitchell 31 Mk III (1996) or a Nimbus 310 Coupe (1997). Both are in excellent condition.
Both have small engine options, the Mitchell, a Perkins 135 HP normally aspirated. The Nimbus a Yanmar 4LH-DTE 170 HP, turbo.
I'll be using it on the Solent, with occasional trips to Dartmouth. Possibly Solent to CI or Brittany. Which one holds it's price the best? Which is the best sea boat? Does anyone know the range these boats with a standard size fuel tank at cruising speed? Basically any advice, info no matter what, pros and cons would be appreciated. Thanks

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30 May 2001
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Both excellent boats with good reputations, the Mitchell is a semi displacement whereas I suspedct the Nimbus is more of a planing hull which should go a fair bit faster than the Mitchell. Suspedct the Mitchell will probably hold its value better cos it's a better known make even though the nimbus is probably better finished as are most Scandinavian boats.

The engine in the Mitchell is IMHO underpowered for the hull, will probably struggle to do much over 10 -12 kts. There's a brief article on Mitchells in this months edition of MBM.

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31 Aug 2002
Stratford upon Avon & S.Devon
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Hi and welcome to the forums. I suggest you ask this question on the Motor Boat Chat one, as far more motor boat people will see it.
I tend to agree that the Mitchell may be under powered. I'd be happy with either though./forums/images/icons/smile.gif
If you like standing up to helm I think this is only possible in the Nimbus with its sliding roof open.

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