Mirabella 5


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2 May 2003
West Midlands
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Just come back from a week down on the boat at Ocean Village, QM2 looks good, but what looks even better and doesn't seem to be known by all is that there is also an absolutely massive, private yacht, called Mirabella 5, being put together in the the docks just up the Itchen from QM2. If you're out looking at QM2 well worth a small diversion. They were rigging the mast on Tuesday and required one of those 50 odd wheel mobile cranes to do it, certainly the tallest thing around there and dwarfs Valsheda and Maiden in OV. It was described to us as "the largest private yacht in the world" having seen it I can believe it! Beautiful Lines and a pleasure to behold even half built.
Happy & Prosperous New Year to everyone out there!

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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i believe that it is the largest sloop (ie single masted sailing yacht) rather than largest private boat/ship of any description. Noty sure of the currentluy largest private shiop boat regardless of power/sail - i quite enjoyed reading about the far eastern yacht (ship, really) called Evergreen owned by the shipping magnate (dunno his name) with a shippiong company of the same name - and Evergreen was the smallest boat he owned. Apart from the tenders i suppose...

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