Med ports for boat unloading


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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I've done it and ordered a new Sealine S37 (thanks to Mike and everyone for their advice during my 6 months of procrastination) I'm having it tried out at Southampton and then transported overland to the Med. It will eventually live in Sardinia but I'm looking for a good Med port where it can be unloaded and used for a couple of months before hopping it down to its final destination.
The transport people( Shoreline who come well recommended) suggest La Gran Motte, Port St Louis, Port Lucate, or San Simion.
I don't know any of these
help and advice on these or any other Med ports please


Yes. La grand motte's a dump, as is port lecate. These are all to the west. I may be able to orgainse a place at la rague or La napoule, near Cannes, much much nicer, better for sardinia and for those 2 months, PM me , but no promises. Cheapest to dump at L'estaque nr Marseilles and drive away ...but you need boatfixing at unloading port, which means a stay.


I'm with matts on this one. Starting from Marseille you can follow the coast eastward towards La Napoule (which I believe you would find to be an excellent temporary base) taking in a stopover at I. de Porquerolles and St Tropez on the way. LaNapoule is a great base for visiting all the famous spots along the Cote d'azur and Monaco. Its also very convenient for flights from Nice Airport which is half an hour in a taxi or slightly longer by Bus or Train. Easy Jet, BA, BMI. AirFrance all the regulars, all fly from there so getting out there is a joy.
There is also a huge Hypermarket about half a mile from the Marina you walk along a river and a golf course to get to it which is very pleasant. Easiest to get a cab back though, because you will have bags full of stuff.
If you don't have it yet I would recommend Rod Heikell's Mediterrean France & Corsica Pilot as 'must have' for the region.
Do I miss La Napoule?? You bet!!
Enjoy, Peter.


yes, replied.

I would recommend that you unload at la rague, so that if there's a bit of work to be done on boat after arival (radar arch, refit props whatever) it can be done without a big rush. Again, Bart can sort in association with Arie de Boom, fab boat engineering based in la rague, only a 800yds away: la napoule if great for hols and some style, la rague a bit dead withonly 1 restaurant plus 1 very very slow restaurant. ...However, on arrival at la rague several years ago, we stayedin port for first 4 days cos it was easily the lovliest marina palce we had been in the boat. then discovered it's a dump cos all the other places are even better and not been back since....


Re: oooh and also, MBY2002

Ooh and also anybody med-bound has got to go to marseilles. It says so in a rather wonderful article in Jan 2002 MBY mag.


Re: oooh and also, MBY2002

Can any of you guys help with recommendation of how to get a 7m x 3m (24' by 10') wooden motorboat ("like a Riva, but not as nice") that a friend of mine is trying to get from Venice to London? I suggested containering it, but I wondered whether you had any other suggestions, as you seem to have experience with professional companies. Thanks in advance