MBM/MBY Boat Test Horror Stories


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6 Aug 2001
Wherever there are boats
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Come on guys, tell us all. Masaccio spilled on rolling a Gordon Murray special in a previous existence 'just for the photographer', so what have you lot done while testing MBM/MBY/YM boats for our benefit??

Must be something more exciting than knicking our 'whites'!!

<font color=blue>I am WHAT I say I am</font color=blue>


You must appreciate that motorboating journalists are perfect in every way, never make any cock-ups, and go about their business in a thoroughly responsible and professional manner. Except for that time when...

See, the trouble is that it's quite difficult to total a motorboat. I've reduced dozens of cars and motorbikes to scrap metal but barely managed a minor ding in a motorboat. There just aren't enough things out there to hit at any kind of speed. Spinning a car into a ditch, or tossing a bike up the road, is easy. All that's required is a touch more enthusiasm than ability. Smashing a boat is far more difficult (although I managed to break a colleague's back on one occasion), although when it does happen, a photographer will be to blame.


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10 Jul 2001
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I was testing one of those Supermarine Swordfish things that came out just before the last big recession. A Coastguard helo flew by, gesticulating that he wanted to play. A crewman was lowered into the cockpit as we charged along at 30 knots, and we enjoyed the look on his face as we handed him the boat's steering wheel, which had come off.