New member
Hello, I am a keen novice who has recently jumped in with both feet and blown my savings on an old Silhouette II. She is scruffy and needs a little licking into shape but I am undaunted as in my inexpert opinion she seems seaworthy.
Rather crucially she is missing a mast step. The fitting at the foot of the mast is a rectangle of aluminium about 10cm x 2cm x 2cm with a hole for a pin. Does anyone have any leads on sourcing the right step? A piece of aluminium channel with lugs is what I imagine. When fitting to the deck will 10cm for or aft make much difference to handling?
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Rather crucially she is missing a mast step. The fitting at the foot of the mast is a rectangle of aluminium about 10cm x 2cm x 2cm with a hole for a pin. Does anyone have any leads on sourcing the right step? A piece of aluminium channel with lugs is what I imagine. When fitting to the deck will 10cm for or aft make much difference to handling?
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