The question of fluid for compasses has been raised several times on the forum and a search or two should uncover what has been said before but as quite a variety of fluids are used the only real answer is to find out from the manufacturer or a repairer what the correct one is. Using the wrong one could be terminal.
A friend used liquid parafin regularly to top up a leaky unit in an old Seacourse until it became too sluggish. Then we swapped to using barbeque lighting fluid until I read the instruction book and discovered that the correct fluid was white spirit.
One forumite discovered that the fluid for his compass was bay tree oil but settled for using paraffin.
Sirs Navigation has already been mentioned. BPSC Marine (another forumite) is another. A search should find them.
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple>Ne te confundant illegitimi.</font color=purple>
Has been known when topped up with what was thought to be the right fluid all the numbers were floating around in the compass next day not to good after a night on the town Jeffro
Des I have just found your thread, and read some of the answers. DO NOT try to fill the compass until you discover if the liguid in spirit or oil based the result if you do not is a new compass, you would not believe the liquids we find in compasses that get returned for service.