You mean you don't remember , now why could that be...uummm....... something to do with golden nectar type over indulgence perchance. /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Am currently at the very early stage of investigating where we can go in France next summer in our LPG powered Hunton - if I get any info I'll let you know and I'd be interested to hear anything you find out.
It's not available at the marina filling stations at Antibes and 6 or so marinas either side. Afaik there are very few petrol boats apart from outboard powered ones plus some massive lambo-engined Formulas/Magnums in Cannes and Monaco
LPG vehicles are treated badly by the French, a little bit like the annual leper convention booking up the Ritz. All kinds of weird and wonderful rules like not being allowed to park in Supermarkets except in designated spaces which have to be more than 500 metres from any public walkway ..or something like that.
Beware - LPG fuel adaptors are different in France I was once told. I guess that is a case of us Brits 'Opting Out' again.
I seem to recall that much of this xenophobia has also extended to the Monde Francais Maritime and LPG carries special insurance premiums like not being allowed to use within 8 meteres of any saline solution -- think the EC endorsed that one. Seriously - I do recall that a couple of marinas do not allow LPG ( not sure about all) ...
Seriously --- if you need to know loads more the magazine 'Moteur Boat' did a big article on LPG during the last 2 years or so ; so might be for feasible for your surfs to go serfing (sic) or phone up their French cousins for the article(s) .. I've looked through my back copies , no luck sorry.
Have just got news fromCalor that there are currently no suitable outlets in France - this may mean we need an adaptor or that there's no gas at all - am following up!