looking for crew indian ocean passage


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23 Feb 2004
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We are a british couple cruising the indian ocean on our 50ft Colin Archer for the last 3 years. We are looking for crew willing to contribute towards a major refit in return for a 12 week passage from thailand to Mayotte, via chagos,maldives,seychells. No experience necc but sense of fun and adventure essential! See our web page for details on www.cruiser.co.za/hostkhulula.asp for this and other legs in 2002.

We are a British Couple cruising the world on our 50ft colin Archer steel cutter rig.


Re: \"Captain Chaos\"

and me,,,12 weeks with "Capin chaos" gezzzs


New member
23 Feb 2004
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Re: \"Captain Chaos\"

This name is a sense of humour filter, so you all failed and would not be welcome on our yacht anyway. The cruising life is full of compromises and just a bit chaotic - but you land-lubbers wouldn't know anything about that (you're life being so ordered and all that) Anyway, I didn't know fish had fingers! Stop being so bloddy serious.

We are a British Couple cruising the world on our 50ft colin Archer steel cutter rig.


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9 Jul 2001
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Re: Chaos Theory

Er you're on a sailing forum here. I suspect quite a few posters have had their share of distance cruising so calling them 'landlubbers' is a bit snooty isn't it? It's along the lines of backpackers calling themselves travellers rather than tourists (actually, its the same thing, the former typically being just a longer, less comfortable version of the latter).

I also notice that another recent poster has picked up the wisdom of using 'chaos' when asking for crew to go on a long passage with someone they haven't met, in a boat they've never seen.

I don't know whether it is actually a humour filter. I suspect it might be a 'common-sense' one too. I think the posts were only trying to be helpful.

I note from a new post that your plans over the past 7 days have changed a bit. Chaos maybe?

Anyway, have a good trip.