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What next? report says small percentage increase in running costs won't stop people boating 2½~3½% so let them pay £100 for lights (which don't work and are often in the wrong place) O.K. so small increase then we have diesel and no matter whether you run a MoBo or a proper boat - ouch - there is more cost - small percentage? what comes next? a wind tax on yotties? Look here old man there were perfectly good winds for sailing so you have to pay a tax if you have a "proper" boat - ouch again - Where else can they tax us - rates on the boats good idea - I mean you have heads, a sink, a cooker, bunks, portholes, lights, etc why not tax them as well? Now there is a good idea let's have a bunk tax - Oh Gordon.... Gordon.... GORDON! new idea to get more money out of the peasants and lets slap a surcharge on their insurance as well I mean an average increase of £100 to meet third party claims because we changed the sodding law over resticting claim amounts is not good enough is it? - Let's slap a 100% excess tax on all leisure marine policies.
Gotta find more ways to shaft the "rich bastards" with boats Gotta find, gotta find......
We deserve everything we get for sitting on our asses and letting GB and Co shaft us but there will always be some rich plonker who will pay up. Me? I think I'll sell up - any room over there in Canada?
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Gotta find more ways to shaft the "rich bastards" with boats Gotta find, gotta find......
We deserve everything we get for sitting on our asses and letting GB and Co shaft us but there will always be some rich plonker who will pay up. Me? I think I'll sell up - any room over there in Canada?
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