Liferaft cannisters


New member
16 May 2001
Overwinter in Sweden, sail in Northern Baltic, liv
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I've just attended the opening/inflation of my ML Lifeguard Forties A liferaft which I found instructive.
It is a cannister model mounted horizontally just abaft the mast. Whilst the raft was dry inside its foil packet the cannister was very damp. The thich sealing rubber round the outside is clearly not very watertight. The recommendations was to wrap it (the cannister) in a plastic bag while its on the deck in its cradle.
Now this is not too important to me as the foil bag seems to work. However for other, non foiled liferafts it could be more serious. I saw several other rafts undergoing service that were distinctly weatherbeaten probably from water ingress into packaging.
Final unrelated thought. The liferaft comes with "bungs" for fitting into the relief valves on the tubes. These valves are a long way from the raft entrance. It's going to be difficult to fit these in a howling gale at night!!!


The ingress of water via the seal is the very reason why you are taught on a sea survival course NOT to sit on it whilst in situ.


New member
16 May 2001
Overwinter in Sweden, sail in Northern Baltic, liv
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We have not sat on the cannister. We have though had some very solid water over the boat this summer. The seal is a stiffish rubber H section and the two halves of the cannister fit fairly "easily" into the slots. There is no "sealant" applied and the service people say there sholnt be any. My point is that the seal is not waterproof and water can and does get in.
I'm unhappy about using a sealant because of the risk that the liferaft wont deploy when needed. I should add that the cannister halves are held together by strapping.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Which goes to prove the old adage - there is nothing waterproof in life except a duck's arse. Seeing as how my hatches, windows, lockers, stern gland, impeller log, chain locker, ventilators, cable entries etc all leak under certain conditions, it comes as no surprise to hear that a liferaft canister does the same. The only sealant worth trying would seem to be a synthetic grease, I agree with you that anything adhesive is the last thing wanted.