Las Palmas Shut Down


17 Oct 2014
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I just made it back, from town, having been shopping!
One minute they are saying, stay home for a week, so you do your sahopping.
Nexrt day its 2 weeks, so you do more shopping....
Suddenly its supposed to be 4 months ?
So I went to get some more stuff, and as of 1600 Canary & UK time, I got back, as the police were fencing off the roundabout, by the ramp entrance !
I guess my non Spanish clothing gave me away ...
You... Stop ... Go Home .....
I pointed over the marina, Mi Barco !
OK You go NOW !

Ill try n listen to the Canary Island news, n see if I can get any further informacion.
However, as most of you, who have been to the Islands, know, Its one thing, for the president , to say something.....
However, that rarely works , at ground level, where you are faced with a " non other language " armed local policeman, giving you contradictory orders !
Good Luck, all of you, wherever you are !


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26 Jan 2004
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It goes without saying Europe including the Canary Islands and Azores are now close for the movements of vessels,
And although none of us are happy with the circumstances we just going to make the best of it and see how it all plays out.
I have to say there are still some people who think they can carry on as usually , they think they can find a anchorage and isolate them self only going in for supply's when they need to. I would be on the top of that list if I thought it's possible.
But it's not and once they been caught out they screaming how unfair they are being treated,
There no way around this storm we finding ourself in other then battle down and make the most of it , most important of all do all you can not to catch this bloody bug or pass it on to anyone else.
What ever we may think governments and the way it's all being dealed with ,
the soon it's all over the soon we can cruise again .


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28 May 2012
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And just how many of us do they think will heed that advice? Not me for certain, I will only isolate if virus positive but will of course try to avoid crowded/high risk places.

Exactly the attitude that is going to make this a worst-case scenario. You'll be infected and infectious, but not symptomatic, and happily spreading it to anyone you come into contact with because you think you're special or that you deserve some special dispensation. Say goodbye to any of those who are immunocompromised or have underlying conditions, but good luck with your reckless selfishness.


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26 Jan 2004
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And just how many of us do they think will heed that advice? Not me for certain, I will only isolate if virus positive but will of course try to avoid crowded/high risk places.
Graham this is why country's are being lock down because some think it's ok to carry on as normal,
What has come out clearly is there isn't a way to know if your infection until it's too late so people who taken the same option as you and has the virus will keep infecting other.
As one sailor to another please reconsider your views.


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13 Feb 2016
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Here in gran canaria too and lockdown started yesterday and have seen people getting on the spot fines for ignoring the police and refusing to go home to hotels etc. Beaches are cordoned off and all shops shut except supermarkets and chemists.

Gaurdia civil vessel came in the marina and made sure any yachts leaving turned around and went back in and have stopped any others coming in.

Very surreal!


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Exactly the attitude that is going to make this a worst-case scenario. You'll be infected and infectious, but not symptomatic, and happily spreading it to anyone you come into contact with because you think you're special or that you deserve some special dispensation. Say goodbye to any of those who are immunocompromised or have underlying conditions, but good luck with your reckless selfishness.

Not what I was suggesting. The news item I saw suggested that ALL people over 70 should spend 4 months in isolation until the virus has passed, as a preventative measure to avoid us catching it. Obviously isolation is needed for those infected or carrying.


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28 May 2012
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Not what I was suggesting. The news item I saw suggested that ALL people over 70 should spend 4 months in isolation until the virus has passed, as a preventative measure to avoid us catching it. Obviously isolation is needed for those infected or carrying.

The point is that you won't know if you are infected or carrying. Please read some news about this illness. It has a slow incubation phase during which you can pass it on to others without knowing your are 'infected or carrying'. If you are over 70, one could safely assume many of your friends and contacts are also over 70 and are therefore at high-risk if they are infected. If you fail to self-isolate when required to, you risk becoming infected yourself and passing it on to a wider at-risk group.
Repeat: It's not about you!
I say this as someone who had to self-isolate during the H1N1 outbreak as I was the primary carer from someone who at the time was immunocompromised due to chemotherapy.
Please stop thinking you know more than the experts and follow their advice, if not for your own sake but for the sake of those around you.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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The point is that you won't know if you are infected or carrying. Please read some news about this illness. It has a slow incubation phase during which you can pass it on to others without knowing your are 'infected or carrying'. If you are over 70, one could safely assume many of your friends and contacts are also over 70 and are therefore at high-risk if they are infected. If you fail to self-isolate when required to, you risk becoming infected yourself and passing it on to a wider at-risk group.

No-one, unless tested, knows whether they're infected or not. I appreciate the over 70s are in a higher risk group for death but not for catching the virus, just look at the life style of most retired people. Those of working age crowded on public transport going to/from work and when there in contact with many people are at far higher risk than those of us retired and spending much of the time normally isolated in homes or on our boats moored or anchored, away from the general working population and public transport.

Get real, just because someone is 70+, you expect them to isolate for 4 months without even being tested?


Well-known member
28 May 2012
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No-one, unless tested, knows whether they're infected or not. I appreciate the over 70s are in a higher risk group for death but not for catching the virus, just look at the life style of most retired people. Those of working age crowded on public transport going to/from work and when there in contact with many people are at far higher risk than those of us retired and spending much of the time normally isolated in homes or on our boats moored or anchored, away from the general working population and public transport.

Get real, just because someone is 70+, you expect them to isolate for 4 months without even being tested?

Mate, do what you want, I've said my piece. Your attitude is the selfish, I'm-alright-Jack approach that will lead to deaths, but as long as you're happy losing friends and loved ones, knock yourself out. The fact that no one knows that they're infected is exactly my point, but you seem to think the laws of nature don't apply to you or those around you, so good luck.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Mate, do what you want, I've said my piece. Your attitude is the selfish, I'm-alright-Jack approach that will lead to deaths, but as long as you're happy losing friends and loved ones, knock yourself out. The fact that no one knows that they're infected is exactly my point, but you seem to think the laws of nature don't apply to you or those around you, so good luck.

You've got your knickers in a real twist here, there are two entirely separate issues. I agree 100% that anyone, regardless of age, MUST isolate if they have any reason to suspect they may be infectious or, think they have been in contact with someone who is. It is also sensible for everyone, regardless of age, to avoid unnecessary contact with others, particularly if they have underlying medical problems.
OTOH I am totally against locking anyone away solely for their own protection when they are not a danger to anyone else.


17 Oct 2014
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OK, an update.
A local lady, does laundry, and I have used her services for years.
Friday past, before the Gran Canaria lockdown, I gave the lady, a bag full of my clothes etc, to be washed.
I phoned her today, to ask, what to do, about collecting my laundry ? Since there was no mention of a lockdown, on the Friday.

I did say, from my boat, I can see the busses are still running, and some people, are still walking the streets ?

She said, if you are just hanging about, you can get fined, but if you actually have an errand, then you are free to go.

As I was leaving the marina, I met a mate , also going out.
He was going to the supermarket, so we walked a ways together, and yes, Hiper Dino had quite a few people, shopping .

I went & got my laundry, and, on the way, I noticed quite a few of the fruit & veg shops, were open ?
Supposedly, only supermarkets & pharmacys , are supposed , to be open ??
No sign of Police from any of the 3 independent branches.

On top of that, I just watched a report from Madrid, saying the army had been brought in, to help the police.
Next segment, switched to the train station in Madrid, where packed trains ,were still arriving & leaving , where neither the police or army did anything ?
Yet over 250 people, in the streets, have been fined 100 euro, for not complying with the law ?
Ok one couple, were fined, for sunbathing on a deserted beach, which is sort of taking the mickey, so I guess they deserved it.
No real explanation of why the others, were fined ?

At least, in Las Palmas Marina, the north Ramp & Bridge, were still open, today, as I collected my laundry.

One thing is sure, no nation, can close down for long, before their economy collapses, so these measures, seem to be just postponing, the inevitable.
Hopefully the so called experts are right , in that, the heat of summer will kill the virus off.
Then we are wel placed, in the Canaries...
Until, it returns next year, in a mutated form, just like flu !

Take Care, Out There
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