KTL 103 - RAF no4 - West Mark Knock - machine guns


Active member
28 Mar 2005
I am starting to like the Nene. It is a bit of a rock strewn drain when the tide is out - but when I went down it last week the wind was blowing hard from the south and up the slug's transom. The tide was ebbing at two and a half to three knots - so we were whizzing along at 7 knots.

In this film - vlog 103 - I went down the Nene at high tide picking up the zephyrs as I went. Most enjoyable.

The sailing last week was wonderful - great light and warm enough to almost take my pullover off - although I am told that ashore it was positively "scorchio".

The Wash has been a revelation. It is an amazingly dynamic stretch of water - chock full of nutrients - alive with fish, seals and birds. The light on the sandbanks looks lovely and I am starting to like the towns of Boston, Wisbech and King's Lynn. Run down in places - but you can see the wealth of the past in the magnificence of the townhouses.

I also spent a night on one of the moorings out at RAF no4. There is a wreck out there, apparently it was on its way to become a target for the bombing range when it broke free. The marker bouy is now paid for by the defence budget.

The moorings are miles from the shore at high tide - at low tide you nestle down into a sheltered channel like a hen settling down into a nest. At high tide it can be pretty choppy when the wind chips up. Bit of a disturbed night as well what with the machine gun fire from the helicopter.

It also gave me a chance to try the anchor light from Salty Johns - seems to work a treat and also makes a great cabin light and waterproof inspection lamp. I even dropped it over the side under water and it illuminated the water - not very far down because the waters of the wash are so full of sediments and nutrients.

Just in case you have any doubts I bought the anchor light with my own money rather than attempting to blag a free one

Here is the link to the latest film.


its available for free for the impecunious - but in a small window with a pre-roll advert starring Rob Brydon. It will be interesting to see if it generates any detectable revenue.

Blip Tv does pay money - but the 8,000 downloads and views so far have earned me a magnificent 94 cents -

Subscribers and supporters can watch the film in a full size window with no advert. It will be interesting to see who many of the hits come from subscribers and how many come from people who are quite happy to watch the films in a tiny window. At the moment its 63 tiny ones and 123 in HD. It would be great to know if the quality in the little window is acceptable - works for me as a consumer.... but as a cameraman I obvioulsy like to see my pics looking as food as they can.

Something weird is happening with the DVD sales - they appear to be picking up just when I thought they would start to fall with the beginning of the sailing season. It turns out that lots of people take their laptops sailing with them and watch the films on their boats when out of reach of the web.



There are some more stills from the Wash here...

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Active member
28 Mar 2005

Dylan, I enjoyed the first set of DVDs, are you intending to produce a second?

Don't know when - still editing the film about the Blythe - which is East Anglia's hidden river - being under the bridge at Southwold. It needs a mast you can drop, a shallow keel and two tides if you are going to sail to the top

But it is well worth the trip if you can borrow the right boat

Ideal for a Drascombe of some sort

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