My boat, a Sunstar 18, has on boom roller reefing. What I am looking for is a practical, easy to use (and cheap) solution to attaching the kicker when the sail is wrapped around the boom.
You need a thing that looks like a horseshoe (I cant remember the correct name). The kicker attatches to it and a line out to the end of the boom stops it moving up the boom.
You slack the kicker then the sail rolls up inside it.
Probably a boat jumble would be a good place to find one.Dont know if they are still made.
A claw ring is what you need rigged as outlined by graham.
It's a solution but not a perfect one.
Another method is to roll something in with the sail and attach the kicker to that.
Personally, because I found roller reefing unsatifactory, I had reef points put in the sail and adopted slab reefing which enabled me to keep a fixed kicker.
I know roller reefing works perfctly well on some boats so if that applies to a Sunstar then one of the above is the way forward.
It goes over the boom about 1/3 out from the mast. It is attached to the kicking strap and another line goes to the end of the boom to keep it from sliding back.
This one is for sale here but you should be able to get one from some of the bigger chandlers.
A friend had one of they clawww rings on his gaff cutter long ago. It could chew away a bit at yor sail and wasn't all that easy to rig up.
The other way which is not much easier but is cheaper and better for your sail is to have a lengthof webbing or hemmed up hefty sailcloth with an eye on one end. Roll it into the sail so it gets trapped and then lash up your kicker to the eye.
You will usually need to wind it in further back than you might at first think.
Avocet had that system and I couldn't find a "Claw" so I had a kicker extension made up from seat belt webbing. It just rolled up round the boom with the sail. It worked reasonably well but obviously there comes a point when you run out of webbing length. I wasn't bothered because at this point, the sail shape was so lousy, there wasn't much point in reefing any further! In the end, the tufnol worm gear at the gooseneck died so I converted to slab reefing. It absolutely transformed the boat! I wish I'd done it sooner!