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I fitted a second hand aluminium mast on my Tahitiana steel double ender, and for extra support made it keel stepped. Where the mast sprouted from the deck I made a 2 inch high steel collar with about 2 inches clearance around the mast. I made some tight fitting hardwood wedges that completely surrounded the mast then sealed it up with fibreglass. Not a drop of water ever came in, even in bad weather. Unfortunately after only 2.5 years I've had the mast out and found some bad pitting corrosion by the wedges.
Would be grateful to know if
A) this is inevitable with an aluminium keel stepped mast, or
B) it could have been avoided by using rubber wedges instead of wood.
Can anyone suggest a source of rubber for the job? I seem to remember some stuff you could pour in that made a flexible rubber seal that came out in one piece when unstepping the mast. Anyone ever used this?
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Would be grateful to know if
A) this is inevitable with an aluminium keel stepped mast, or
B) it could have been avoided by using rubber wedges instead of wood.
Can anyone suggest a source of rubber for the job? I seem to remember some stuff you could pour in that made a flexible rubber seal that came out in one piece when unstepping the mast. Anyone ever used this?
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