Just an idea you might like to have


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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What's to stop anybody pulling the dinghy back to shore when you are away and stealing it. We always tried to find somewhere we could padlock a long stainless chain to, a big tree for example. The chain ran from the handhold on the outboard through the handle of the petrol container so nobody could steal them, which can happen in the Caribbean and I suspect anywhere else.
What is there to stop someone cutting your chain and lock for God stake , really some people ,
At less if the dinghy is back at the boat it looks like someone on board , better then advertise that you away from the boat .
( oh I put a chain around the petol can and around a big tree ) as if that ging to stop someone who want to steal your dinghy , I don't think so What else do you have a S/S 10 mm bracket welded to your rubber tube ,which the chain goes Tho or maybe a light that goes off and and on with and alarm .
Didn't I say I have a S/S chain 100 mts long which also goes around the boat to stop some one stealing it , NOT .
I never said it was a great idea , just an idea , wasn't plain to make money from it , just maybe it may come useful in some circumstances ,
There only certain circumstance you can use this the rest of the time we too chain up our dinghy and hope for the best .
But hey I tell you what I keep my ideas to my self .
dear me . I sure some only come on here to find fault with other people posting .
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New member
6 Jan 2009
We use a stern anchor on a length of bungee cord when we tie the dinghy to the shore, keeps the dinghy out of the way of fishing boats heading in to their moorings and goes some way towards stopping kids jumping all over it! We also let the dinghy ping back to the boat similar to Vic's suggestion. If nothing else it reduces chafe from shoreside rocks.


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9 Aug 2010
Cruising Med
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Some years ago, when visiting Rhodes I sometimes moored in the harbour that is now becoming the new marina. That place was high risk. Gipsy “Kids” used to do things to moored yachts.
I had experience with them so I anchored bow to quay, left about 4 meter of room between the bowsprit and the quay. A padlocked chain of 4 meter to a fixing point on the quay, then rope. The dingy was pulled back to the boat as @ sailaboutvic describes ( Used that trick already in the 70´s )
As soon as I was moored, others came also ( sheep herd mentality ) All chose a deeper and more protected spot. I had my reasons for mooring in the shallow entrance.
First of all,the harbour was very fouled, one in two had to call a diver to retrieve his anchor, in the shallow spot I could do the diving myself and second, some old Greek sat line fishing all day at the shallow spot, that way guarding my boat.
One day the “Kids” had robbed three yachts and cut them loose. The yachts ending up on the other side of the harbour which is no good with the prevailing winds over there.

Been robbed by those “kids” is no fun, they always leave a gift. A stinking one.


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1 Mar 2005
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Please keep posting Vic,
They don't know you very well! I feel I do know you,at this stage,along with many other fine helpful posters on here!
So it's Be Nice To Vic week!