My 1500 cost me less than a grand complete. It doesn't look like your gaining anything financially and if you bought in the UK you could always get any problems sorted out directly.
Suggest you talk nicely to Depsol.
He got mine for me, and very pleased with it I am too!! He goes out of his way to accomodate you.
I may even be able to collect it for you as I have to nip over and see him soon.
Think you can add approx 20% to that purchase price ex. your front door.
Mind you with the dollar at $2 to the pound it depends on what the credit card co rate is.
hah statistically its 100% failure, how many things you sent to UK. I think as much as 5% gets lost over here internally, actually not lost, dumped or stolen. Not really the point, dont wanna risk a $1,000 item to the post however reliable it is
We've sent a lot in 18 yr, but obviously the choice is yours. ~30% of the purchase price for shipping seems a bit OTT., but with the $ as it is it will only cost you about 3p/forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Problem is that many US companies will not accept credit card orders over the phone if there is a foreign billing address. I don't know if West Marine etc will.
Sounds like you need Arthur to buy it for you and then ship it to you (insured) as a Christmas Present (I am sure by the time you have split the costs honours and wallets would be even...../forums/images/icons/smile.gif
I could do that and Phil's home insurance might cover it. I did something similar for a forumite recently. The shipment arrived in the UK in 4 days. Postage was $12, but it wasn't a radar!!