Jammed Centreboard

Old Thady

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8 Nov 2011
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The centreboard of my newly acquired, 17 foot dayboat has jammed in the raised position. The boat's kept on a swinging mooring (not drying) and is too big and heavy to beach and roll on her side. There's no 'lowering' line - the centreboard should drop thanks to gravity when the raising line is freed.

I'd be grateful for any tips on how to release it.
10 Nov 2021
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Maybe chuck water down and around the centre board,wetting the mud, jamming it, when the tide has just got to your boat, and use something like a straightened coat hanger, strong flat piece of metal. maybe a 1 meter stainless steel ruler.

Or a power washer if you had access too one.


Well-known member
23 Jan 2023
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One possibility is the slot for the keel has become a home for vagrant Barnacles, if you say she never takes the ground so can't be mud. You might try as someone has already suggested, a long flat piece of steel poked down alongside the keel.

If you can get someone to give you a hand, a length of old rope passed under the boat hauled taught and dragged fore and aft under her bottom might dislodge any clusters of growth in the area of the slot perhaps?

The rope trick is not from 'The Boys Book of Yottie Tricks' or Mr Google/Wiki, I speak from experience .Swinging mooring, lifting keel, never takes the ground.


Well-known member
25 Dec 2007
S.W. France
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Humm, I have a Kelt 6.20 here. Ballast shallow keel with steel center plate in a slot. Keel is around 400kg and the plate about 60 kg. Local friend had bought it, but not experienced, or had a survey... Then left it parked for three years.
I dropped the keel and found the plate was seriously corroded in the slot. Tried several ways to free it, but no go. Finally cut one side of the ballast keel out and it popped with a big bang, due to the accumulated rust around the plate.
Left if for a while, as owner lost interest. But now, refitting the half keel to the main and a fresh plate. Sails are a bit rubbish, but might get some fun out of it. Value, in the current market? Far less than the effort.


Well-known member
16 Oct 2019
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On my old wayfarer I kept a 60cm(?) stainless Steel rule on board for just such occasions. Providing you have access to the top of the slot it may work for you.

Old Thady

Active member
8 Nov 2011
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Thanks littledancersadhu, veshengro, DownWest and Minerva. I'll work my way through those suggestions. I'll have to do a bit of dismantling to access the c/b casing from above. With luck I won't have to get the boat lifted.