It’s Tuesday so it’s crackerjack



Well not quite but..

Last winter I did the Yachmaster shore based course in preparation for our first trips at sea this summer. At the time SWMBO thought I was barmy and wasting my time, since she was happy with river boating and the kids (19 and 22) thought it was hilarious, dad struggling over his homework.

Well, after a terrific MBM Cruise in Company to Holland and other X channel and coastal trips, in both good and bad weather, SHE’s totally sold on the sea and decided we needed a new bigger boat based at the coast and No 1 son thought that would be real cool to impress the girls. She also decided that if we’re going to spend more time at sea, she ought to do the Day Skipper course and informed said son that the only way he’d ever get to borrow the boat was if he did it as well. So tonight’s their first night of 20 weeks, daughter’s at college too studying her HNC and I’m sitting here working out which boat we're going to get (though she's already decided on a Turbo 36) and guarding the dog and ‘puter.

Ain’t life grand.

Now where's that cutlery website.....


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: buyers market time?

Sound's like son needs Sunseeker Predator or something. Anyway, re Turbo36, how's it going? The Lymington one still not sold, time for "silly offer" like 25% below list and give em 14 days to decide?



Re: buyers market time?

Ah but I'm a seller too, so NOT buying till I've sold. Had one offer prior to NY, but he seems to have gone coldish. I'm in no rush, quite happy to wait a while. But definitely won't be a two-boat owner. Done that before and won't repeat it. Dream On can wait a while and if I'm too late, well there's plenty of others.


Re: cutlery is under construction at the moment, it says. Is it the oceanmaster that teaches you bout cutlery?

Bit boring yawn bout you not already having massive new boat. I wd tip old one first, cos your just looking if you won't make an offer till yerv sold yours. So, you are in a rush to sellit. Then, can make ridiculous low offers on others. Go on go on. Can I have a go? Oooh what does this do....look its a convertible thing with poles a bit like on Searays where everything turns into something else... oops and now its busted, sorry Colin.

Don't lettem have the highly valuable hose pipe with the old boat. Are you still intrested in the lifejackets? I can diggem out.


Re: cutlery

Yes, and the liferaft and go peds cos you've got to have nice new shiny ones on the new boat. They do 'leccy ones too so you can creep up behind pedestrians and scare the sh** out of them as you zoom past.


Re: liferaft

Didn't take the liferaft out of old boat. What a buffoon I am. But it was out of date, so no blimmin good praps.

Don't get the leccy peds! They're slow, and boring. Who wants a motorised vehicle that doesn't make a decent racket? Not me. There's no future in noise-free electric vehicles cept for nearly-deads in wheelchairs and on the thames a bit. For the rest of us, consider the word "zoom" and its onomatapeic origins, along with other derivations such as "Yeeeowwwm" and "woomph" all of which describe speed and associated noise. I spect Brit fighter pilots were secretly jealous of the germans who had stukas with a decent siren. I know I am. Yeeeeowm dak-dak-dak-dak.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Onomatopoeia

That's why you wanted to fit Fiams on the t46, after that diy sound insul on the 'gines no-one cud hear you coming.

Jeez, steady on with the mugshot!........



Re: buyers market time?

would you give them as much as 14 days to accept? I would be more inclined to 3 days. Anyway prices appear to be dropping a bit - not sure whether its just the winter coming on or whether economic conditions are biting a bit.
