Is this story ever going to end?


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25 Jun 2005
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Following her previous adventures involving removal of all the oily bits and a significant amount of work to repair and replace it all (see, Excalibur II finally found herself back afloat with a brand new gimbal housing, a welded and freshly resin coated exhaust pipe and sundry other new bits.

Success seemed assured after an initial launch demonstrated that the sea remained where the designer intended - on the outside - so off we went across the harbour to put her on her allocated berth. Straight into a Dad's Army/Corporal Jones moment as the engine stalled on shifting into neutral as I lined up to back into the berth. :eek: Quick! - fend off the boat opposite, restart, burst of astern, neutral, stall, restart, won't go! Quick! - throw a warp to that helpful chap on the pontoon! Whew! :eek:

After several fruitless attempts to adjust the cable and shift interrupter mechanism and a couple of exciting sea trials, I finally concluded that the lower shift cable has got damaged and started to stick because the ferrule on the inner cable has scuffed its way through the outer sheath so many times while taking the drive unit off and putting it back on trying to find the leak. So, new shift cable on order.

To cap it all, when I parked after the last trial I tried to trim the drive right in as usual to protect the rams, and click, click, click - no movement. :eek: Oh, well, thinks I, it's probably a loose/dirty connection or, at the worst a duff solenoid. Oh no, nothing so simple. The solenoids and wiring are all OK, but the "down" windings on the motor have gone open circuit, so now I've got a new trim pump motor on order as well. :mad::mad::mad:

Ahhh - the joys of boating!


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25 Jun 2005
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think of the fun you're missing out on, by only having one:D:D

Um, three actually. :eek::eek::eek:

Here are the other two:

... and this is what they are on (photo taken before I took it on):

She's a little bit tidier now, but needs repowering with a decent pair of diesels, so not much progress as yet. Trouble is, I've been having so much fun with Excalibur II lately :D:D that this one's taken a back seat.

So, lots more fun to come, and will be the subject of a separate thread once the restoration gets properly under way.