Is the Thames really that bad ?



Following the post from the MBM staffer about the Thames, I find my self in the minority of 1. Last year we trailed our boat for a 2 week holiday on the Thames and both myself and family had a great time. Yes there were some problems mainly hire boats, but my question is this were we very lucky this year to miss all the massive problems mentioned and if we visit again next year will it be the Holiday from hell. Did I miss all the agro because we only spent a few days rather than a season or as in Byrons case actually live on its banks.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
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Ummm yes I was wondering what a lot of the fuss was about, not wishing to appear to be one of the aphethetic some people keep talking about, I am a little unsure what exactly the specifc problems are, can someone please be more specific?
After 30 years living near the river I still never tire of it and it still seems to have much the same amount of facilities it used to have.
My biggest gripe would be that it seems to have become an extension of the canal network, at Wallingford one summer evening this year 90% of the boats moored up were narrowboats, but I thinks this is a symptom of the times, nobody makes affordable riverboats anymore, Seamaster, Freeman, Fairline, Princess etc.. have all either gone bust or abandoned the market.
The reduction in hireboats is no bad thing for some of us and is merely a reflection on peoples changing holiday habits, most people go abroad now.
The BSS is really no big deal, especialy if you can do the work yourself.
I have no desire to sit on the fence and see the river die though, what are seen as the major problems?


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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The Thames itself is great, the problem is mis-management. The top-end have no understanding of boats what-so-ever and they do not listen to the grass roots, be the roots boat owners or lock keepers. As regards the Narrowboats, these have been invited on the river to make up for the loss of other boats that have gone to the seaside. I am disappointed to see people digging at hire boats, some of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of meeting have been on hire boats. True they are inexperienced but one should assist them not pick at them, certainly I would sooner encounter a hire boat than some hulking narrowboat monopolising morings for days on end and tearing down branches off trees for their stoves.



I think I should qualify my points about hire boats, yes most of them are polite and try hard in unfamiliar surroundings. My comment came about because I was rammed in a lock by a 40ft hire boat, the hirers laughed and jeared at the lockeeper who was trying to help them.They managed to wedge their boat between the walls, it took the combined effort of 4 people to free it up. They then tied the boat off and ended up hanging of the locksides before the tired old cleat let go with bang.

As we left the lock they obviously wanted to race so we happily let them go ahead and followed them into the next lock where they rammed the 21ft Cuddy that was in front of them.

When we lifted the boat out at the end of the holiday I found extensive damage to the bathing platform supports. I have hired boats in the past and the customery 10min 'this is the wheel and this is the toilet' speach is not good enough.


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Mark I am horrified, I am also surprised that the Lock Leeper allowed them to go on. I trust all was repaired on the hire comapny's insurance. Now one of my stories. It was 7am and I was single handing a boat. I approached a lock to find two hire boats with six Yobbos on each boat, despite the hour they were already on the Piss. "on yer own mate" one yelled out. I was rigid with fear. "you stay there pal, we'll do all the winding... wanna beer" shouted another. I followed them up for four locks when they insisted I joined them, for brekkie. Sausage, eggs, black pud, bacon and several bottles of bubbly stuff. I'm happy to say my good hire boat experiences far outweigh the bad ones. I could relate story after story including meeting Hell's Angels, Pangbourne 6th Formers and even two Kreigs Marine Kapitans. My bad experiences seem to revolve around privately owned narrow boats most of whom seem to have had their brains extracted and their craniums filled with mashed turnip.



Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Take a turn...!

Funniest moment of the summer - Two ladies, one narrow boat at lock waiting area. Boat not made fast but one lady on stern and one on shore each with one end of rope trying to pull boat alongside but actually engaging in mini-tug-of-war!
Someone shouted - 'take a turn' . Suggestions for what happens next.....?


New member
9 Jul 2001
Thames - non tidal
Re: Take a turn...!

These stories are typical and anyone who has been on the Thames for only a few years, like me, you would have encountered both good and bad from each camp. I must say that I haven’t had any bad experiences with narrowboats – they just seem a bit miserable – although stuck out in all weathers on the back and I’d be a miffed too !

We’ve met some very chatty narrowboaters and some right yobs and some that look like yobs but turn out alright, on hire boats, and a hen party with a large inflatable male member on the front – we were in stitches :)

All in all there is a pretty rich mix on the river as their is in life – and true who makes affordable river boats any more.

Funny I’ve just had a battle with an insurance company over frost damage and won ! but they kept referring me to manufacturers recommendations – odd but you find a reference to river use and care of your equipment in anything from Volvo Penta – if left to them we’d all have zinc anodes and no drives and engines left if we followed the book – but that’s another story.

Here’s to happy boating.



Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Re: Take a turn...!

Wasn't intended to be a dig at narrow boaters - had a narrow beam cruiser myself until recently.
No, story just for the fun of it the one about the male skipper who failed miserably at putting his SWMBO onto the lock steps and, as he wallowed around in the middle of the lock, shouted 'You'll just have to jump!!!' (her reply was remarkably restrained!)


New member
9 Jul 2001
Thames - non tidal
Thames trouble ?

I know you weren’t, just a bit of friendly rivalry, there’s two narrowboaters at work and we just pull each others legs a lot, but realise a shared enjoyment of getting away from the rat race.

Now here’s one that might cause a stir ! what do you about those sailing clubs, that on Sundays litter the river with boats and expect me to run aground as power gives way to sail ! – I’m happy to slow right down but not put my boat a risk.

And another – rowers why what ever speed you do they shout “cut the wash” Then they don’t look where they’re going, the number of times I’ve had to sound my horn and take avoiding action is countless. All they need to do is be a little more aware of what’s around them – or get an engine !! :))


Last year we holiday on the Thames for the first time with our boat that was there on brokerage.
Enjoyed it so much went back this year with our new boat,trailable.
Launching sites good
Lock keepers helpful
Mooring facilities excellent
Water,rubbish etc on locks excellent...
As you get the gist no complaints and this year travelled from Hampton Court to Lechlade and cannot fault all the way through.
We went with friends and we both felt license was good value for money as well.
Some nights free moorings and the most we paid was £4, very reasonable.
People who complain about the Thames ought to come to River Avon at Bristol,
No manned locks
Very few places to moor except for marinas and they are full even for casual moorings
One slipway available although 2 more on river marina owners do not want you to use..too much hasssel i expect.
one water and sewerage point,provide own hose pipe.
You get the gist of it now.
If people complain about the Thames they have never visited other rivers and don't realise how good they've got it.
I would definately return again and again...